Chapter 1 The Command Religious Program and the Religious Program SpecialistCHIEF OF CHAPLAINSRP 3 & 2 (Module I) Occupational StandardsFront Cover of Calendar Year 1982 Bibliography for Advancement Examination Study (NAVEDTRA 10052-AC)CHAPLAINS AS PROFESSIONAL REPRESENTATIVES OF THEIR CHURCHESTHE CHAPEL COMMUNITYSPECIALIST (W)Specialists With the Marines - 14229_18RELIGIOUS PROGRAM SPECIALISTSRP Duty StationsOccupational standards for Religious Program Specialist Third Class - 14229_21Occupational Standards for Religious Program Specialist Second ClassOccupational Standards for Religious Program Specialist First Class - 14229_23Occupational Standards for Chief, Senior Chief, and Master Chief Religious Program Specialist - 14229_24SPECIAL RELIGIOUS SERVICESADVISORY ROLE OF CHAPLAINSTHE CRP ABOARD SHIPCRP JARGONChapter 2- RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENTS AND PRACTICESFigure 2-2.Ecclesiastical Composition of the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps in 1918 at the close of World War IEcclesiastical Composition of the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps on 15 August 1945 at the close of World War IIEcclesiastical Composition of the U.S. Navy Chaplain Corps in 1982Mission of the Chief of ChaplainsThe 1st Amendment to the Constitution of the United StatesThe Universal Declaration of Human Rights, Article 18, Charter of the United NationsFigure 2-9.These American religious bodiesFigure 2-10.Equal Opportunity in the NavyHuman goalsHISTORICAL BACKGROUNDThe Cross is symbolic of ChristianityChristianity HISTORICAL BACKGROUND-Cont.Branches of ChristianityBaptist ChurchesTHE CHURCH OF CHRIST, SCIENTISTTHE EASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCHThe Episcopal ChurchLUTHERAN CHURCHESPENTECOSTAL CHURCHESTHE ROMAN CATHOLIC CHURCHUNITARIAN UNIVERSALIST CHURCHESORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTURETHE DIVINE LITURGYRoman CatholicSACRAMENTSCHRISTIAN BASIC BELIEFS AND TEACHINGSTHE CHURCH CALENDARTHE LITURGICAL YEARThe Byzantine (Eastern) SystemWESTERN SYSTEMCHRISTIAN HOLY DAYS AND RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCESMAJOR CHRISTIAN HOLY DAYS AND RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES-Cont. - 14229_60MAJOR CHRISTIAN HOLY DAYS AND RELIGIOUS OBSERVANCES-Cont. - 14229_61SPECIAL SEASONS AND HOLIDAYSTHE EASTER VIGIL AND EASTER SERVICESOTHER PRACTICES OR RESTRICTIONS - 14229_64AMERICAN BAPTIST CHURCHESEASTERN ORTHODOX CHURCHREFERENCES - 14229_67GLOSSARY - 14229_68GLOSSARY-ContGLOSSARY-Cont. - 14229_70Judaism HISTORICAL BACKGROUND-Cont.BRANCHES OF JUDAISMReform JudaismReconstructionist JudaismWorship RequirementsBASIC BELIEFS AND TEACHINGS - 14229_76JEWISH LITERATURETHE JEWISH CALENDARRELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS/FESTIVALSHoly DaysROSH HASHANAH AND YOM KIPPUR1SIMCHAT ATZERETH AND SIMCHAT TORAHJEWISH LITURGYJEWISH RITESLIFE CYCLE RITES - 14229_85Bar MitzvahFuneral and BurialOTHER PRACTICES OR RESTRICTIONS - 14229_88Local Jewish Community CentersWomens CommitteesGlossary - 14229_91Glossary - 14229_92BackgroundORIGIN OF ISLAM IN THE UNITED STATESBRANCHES OF ISLAMORGANIZATIONAL STRUCTUREBASIC BELIEFS AND TEACHINGS - 14229_97BASIC BELIEFS AND TEACHINGS - 14229_98The SHAHADAHSACRED ISLAMIC LITERATURERamadanLIFE CYCLE RITES - 14229_102Funeral and Burial RequirementsREFERENCES - 14229_104GLOSSARY-Cont. - 14229_105GLOSSARY-Cont. - 14229_106BUDDHISMBRANCHES OF BUDDHISMBuddhist Symbols and ArtifactsAmitibha BuddhaBASIC BELIEFS AND TEACHINGS - 14229_111RELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS AND FESTIVALS - 14229_112GLOSSARY - 14229_113REFERENCES - 14229_114HINDUISMORIGIN OF HINDUISM IN AMERICAWORSHIP REQUIREMENTSHindu Sectarian MarkingsEthicsTHE HINDU CALENDARRELIGIOUS HOLY DAYS AND FESTIVALS - 14229_121OTHER PRACTICES OR RESTRICTIONS - 14229_122GLOSSARY - 14229_123REFERENCES - 14229_124Chapter 3 Worship Support FunctionsUse of Command Religious Program (CRP) FacilitiesPOLICIES AND PROCEDURES RELATING TO THE USE OF COMMAND RELIGIOUS PROGRAM FACILITIES AND EQUIPMENTOne type of Command Religious Program (CRP) master activity scheduleOne type of Command Religious Program (CRP) master activity schedule-ContinuedCRP Facilities AshoreBakony/choir chior at the U.S. Naval AcademyThe nave and chancel area of the chapel at MCAS(H) New River, Jacksonville, NCSacristy shelving used to stow ecclesiastical appointments.CHAPEL ANNEX/ADMINISTRATIVE WINGCRP Facilities AfloatCRP Facilities in the FieldFIELD AND SHIPBOARD ECCLESIASTICAL EQUIPMENTMASS IN THE FIELDThe Portable Lee Field AltarThe Portable Lee Field Altar-Cont.Roman Catholic Chaplains Combat Kit, Type 1The (Roman) Catholic combat kit, type IPREPARING FOR A ROMAN CATHOLIC FIELD SERVICE MASS.ROMAN CATHOLIC EUCHARISTIC VESTMENTSPreparation of Roman Catholic euchtwistk vestmentsThe Protestant combat kit, type IIPREPARING FOR A PROTESTANT FIELD SERVICEPROTESTANT VESTMENTSPREPARING FOR A JEWISH FIELD SERVICEThe Jewish field kitJEWISH VESTMENTS - 14229_151Roman Catholic and Protestant Chaplains Field KitsField Worship Aid KitSTANDARD MOUNT-OUT MATERIAL FOR CHAPLAINS IN FMF UNITS (30 Days)Operational Deployment BlockNONSECTARIAN ARRANGEMENT OF THE CHAPEL FACILITYPREPARATION FOR JEWISH DIVINE SERVICESA Jewish Chancel ArrangementThe Jewish Torah Scrolls with attached pointer (yad)THE ETERNAL LIGHT (NER TAMID)THE BIMAHJewish Vestments - 14229_162The kiddush cupPREPARATION FOR EASTERN ORTHODOX DIVINE SERVICESORTHODOX SANCTUARY ARRANGEMENTThe Altar TableThe Table of Oblation (Prothesis)The Orthodox table of Oblation (Prothesis)A closeup view of Orthodox holy vessels and communion wareA Small TableOrthodox VestmentsVestments for the Orthodox Divine LiturgyProtestant Chancel ArrangementsThe pulpitA basic altar arrangementProtestant Communion ServicesTHE COMMON CUPTHE INTINCTION CUPINDIVIDUAL CUPThe Individual cup set and bread tray as they appear when uncoveredVestmentsPossible altar arrangement for Protestant communion services.Protestant vestmentsThe Roman Catholic sanctuary/chancel arrangementPREPARATION FOR ROMAN CATHOLIC DIVINE SERVICESTHE CRUCIFIXTHE CHALICEThe chalice and sequence in which it is veiled prior to MassEucharistic LinensTHE CORPORALRoman Catholic vestments for Mass seen with the chasubleTHE AMICENON-JUDEO AND NON-CHRISTIAN RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENTSINFORMATION CONCERNING RELIGIOUS REQUIREMENTS AND PRACTICESRELIGIOUS RITESA baptismal font and baptismal itemsCARE OF BAPTISMAL FONTSA baptismal pool used for immersion baptismPROCUREMENT AND CARE OF ECCLESIASTICAL, LITURGICAL, AND FIELD EQUIPMENT AND SUPPLIESProcurement of Ecclesiastical Equipment and SuppliesCARE AND CLEANING OF ALTAR LINENSCARE AND CLEANING OF VESTMENTSCARE AND CLEANING OF COMMUNION WARECARE AND MAINTENANCE OF METAL ALTAR APPOINTMENTSPHYSICAL SECURITY OF CRP FACILITIESChapter 4 Naval Funerals and Chapel WeddingsFigure 4-1. History, heritage, NavyCorrect method of displaying the flag with the casket.STATE, OFFICIAL, AND SPECIAL MILITARY FUNERALSFigure 4-4.Uncovering. . . a mark of respectTypes of funerals to which naval personnel are entitledNAVAL FUNERALSThe Chapel Service, St. Andrews Chapel, U.S. Naval AcademyDeparting St. Andrews Chapel, U.S. Naval Academy at the conclusion of the chapel service.Transfer of remains from the chapel to the gravesite at Arlington National CemeteryThe proper placement of the casket upon the caisson while en route to the gravesideRemoval of the casket from the caisson by the casket bearer detail at Arlington National Cemetery, Arlington, VirginiaThe Graveside serviceDUTIES OF THE RPBURIALS AT SEARECEIPT OF REMAINS SHIPBOARDPREPARATION FOR THE BURIAL AT SEA SERVICEA Guide to the Burial ServiceCHAPEL WEDDINGSPLANNING THE WEDDINGThe Application for the Use of the ChapelThe committal areaENTITLEMENTSPREMARITAL COUNSELINGApplication, United States Naval Academy Chapel, Annapolis, Maryland 21402FLOWERS AND DECORATIONSChapel or church with two aislesThe RehearsalTHE RECESSIONALThe wedding processionPositions for the ceremony at the altarTHE ARCH OF SWORDS/ARCH OF RIFLES CEREMONYTHE CHRISTIAN RITESThe Arch of SwordsTHE JEWISH RITESTHE RELIGIOUS PROGRAM SPECIALISTChapter 5 Information and Referral AssistanceSCHEDULING APPOINTMENTSSCREENING ENLISTED SERVICE RECORDSForms maintained on the right-hand side of the Enlisted Service RecordTHE REFERENCE LIBRARYASSISTING IN REFERRALSTHE INFORMATION AND REFERRAL (I&R) DIRECTORYSEPARATION AND DEPLOYMENTDEPLOYED UNIT CONTACT OFFICERTHE AMERICAN RED CROSSRAPID COMMUNICATIONDEPARTMENT OF DEFENSE DEPENDENT SCHOOLS (DODDSs)EXCEPTIONAL CHILDREN (HANDICAPPED AND GIFTED)MENTAL RETARDATIONPERSONAL AND FAMILY ENRICHMENTUNITED SERVICE ORGANIZATION (USO)FINANCIAL MANAGEMENTExamples of allotments of pay, with applicable codesThe Navy Relief SocietyAPPLICATION FOR ASSISTANCEFUNERAL EXPENSESADDITIONAL ASSISTANCE FOR SURVIVORSNavy Legal ServicesTHE LEGAL ASSISTANCE PROGRAMThe Household Goods Shipping OfficeRETIREMENT AND AGINGHeadquarters Marine CorpsThe Naval Reserve Personnel CenterMarine Corps Finance CenterThe Veterans Administration (VA)Direct Services to the ElderlyNutrition Programs for the ElderlyTHE NAVY ALCOHOL AND DRUG ABUSE PROGRAM (NADAP)Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers (ARCs)THE DRUG AND ALCOHOL PROGRAM ADVISOR (DAPA)THE CIVILIAN EMPLOYEE ASSISTANCE PROGRAM ADMINISTRATORThe Navy Alcohol Safety Action ProgramUSHBP and CHAMPUS ProgramsVoluntary Programs Which Address Alcoholism and Drug AbuseChapter 6- COMMAND RELIGIOUS PROGRAM PUBLICITY, MATERIALS, AND FACILITIES SUPPORTDETERMINING PUBLICITY REQUIREMENTSPUBLICITY MEDIASample news release format (first page)Sample news release format (second and subsequent pages)Evaluating Religious Program PublicityRELIGIOUS TRACTSA worship bulletin with a seasonal themeA worship bulletin without a seasonal themePREPARATION OF WORSHIP BULLETINSSECOND STEPCHAPEL NEWSLETTERSCompleted worship bulletinCHAPEL BROCHURESRequests for PrintingFAMILY OMBUDSMEN NEWSLETTERSDOD printing requisition/order form, DD 282CIVILIAN NEWSPAPERSAUDIOVISUAL MEDIATHE SINGLE PICTURESlides and FilmstripsAudio and Visual TapesAmerican Forces Radio and Television Service (AFRTS)Audiovisual activity job order, OPNAV 3160/16Shipboard Information, Training, and Entertainment Closed Circuit Television (SITE-CCTV) SystemThe major components of the SITE 1 systemThe major components of the SITE 1 systemContinuedChapel GroundsChapel Bulletin Boards, Literature Racks, and Literature DisplaysColors Used in Religious FacilitiesDevotional and Religious DisplaysMiscellaneous checklist questionnaireRequesting Navy Public Works Center or Marine Base Support ServicesCustomer request, NAVFAC 9-11014/TF-1Chapter 7- PresentationTEACHING PROCEDUREThe Lesson PlanAUDIOVISUAL AIDSNonprojected aidsPROJECTED AIDSFigure 7-3 line, bar, pie, and picture graphsTHE SELECTION AND USE OF AUDIOVISUAL (AV) AIDSRequesting Religious Education (RE) and Audiovisual (AV) MaterialsTHE CHAPLAIN AUDIOVISUAL CATA- LOGPRESENTATION SUPPORTAudience ComfortAUDIOVISUAL EQUIPMENTSeating arrangement in relation to the screenFINAL PREPARATIONSTILL PICTURE PROJECTORSOverhead projectorPortable Overhead Projector - 14229_334Portable overhead projector - 14229_335Nomenclature for the opaque projectorSlide ProjectorCarousel, Model AV-900 35-mm slide projectorPREPARATIONFilmstrip ProjectorMOTION PICTURE PROJECTORSPrinciples of OperationREWINDINGSOUND AND SILENT SPEEDSPROJECTION LAMPSCLEANING THE LENSESEXCITER LAMP8-mm cartridge projectorSETTING UP THE PROJECTORCARE AND MAINTENANCEAUDIO SYSTEM COMPONENTSAmplifiersAUDIO TAPE RECORDERHEAD TRACK SELECTORRecordingERASING THE TAPEPosition of headsPlaybackMinor MaintenanceChapter 8 The Shipboard LibraryShipboard library on USS MASSACHUSETTS in 1898A modem shipboard library of todayCHIEF OF NAVAL EDUCATION AND TRAININGNAVAL REGIONAL LIBRARIANSCOMMAND RESPONSIBILITY AFLOATTHE SHIPBOARD LIBRARY OFFICERShipboard Library AttendantsCOMMISSIONING SHIPBOARD LIBRARY COLLECTIONSAcquiring Additional MaterialsCONTROL OF SHIPBOARD LIBRARY MATERIALSDispositionSIMPLIFIED PROCESSING PROCEDURESProcessing Clothbound and Quality PaperbacksSample clothbound book distribution packing slip - 14229_375Position of class number on spine of bookCatalog cardsShelf arrangement of books - 14229_378Alphabetical arrangement of card catalog filesSample shelf-list fileSIMPLIFIED CIRCULATION PROCEDURESLoaning Clothbound BooksRESERVE BOOKSNAVY AUXILIARY LIBRARY SERVICE COLLECTIONS (ALSCs)SHIP LIBRARY FACILITIESShips Library SizeShips Library LocationLIBRARY SUPPLIES AND EQUIPMENTTECHNICAL SUPPORT VISITSLibrary funding responsibilitiesAPPENDICESAppendix A- Religious Music LibraryA Sacred OratorioAppendix B- Outline of Basic Library ProceduresSHELVING AND FILINGPROCESSING NEW MATERIALSINTERLIBRARY LOANSINDEX - 14229_399Index-Cont. - 14229_400Index-Cont. - 14229_401Index-Cont. - 14229_402Index-Cont. - 14229_403Index-Cont. - 14229_404Index-Cont. - 14229_405Index-Cont. - 14229_406Index-Cont. - 14229_407Index-Cont. - 14229_408Index-Cont. - 14229_409Index-Cont. - 14229_410Assignnment QuestionsAssignment 1 - 14229_413Assignment 1-Cont. - 14229_414Assignment 1-Cont. - 14229_415Assignment 1-Cont. - 14229_416Assignment 1-Cont. - 14229_417Assignment 1-Cont. - 14229_418Assignment 2 - 14229_419Assignment 2-Cont. - 14229_420Assignment 2-Cont. - 14229_421Assignment 2-Cont. - 14229_422Assignment 2-Cont. - 14229_423Assignment 3 - 14229_424Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_425Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_426Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_427Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_428Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_429Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_430Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_431Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_432Assignment 3-Cont. - 14229_433Assignment 4 - 14229_434Assignment 4-Cont. - 14229_435Assignment 4-Cont. - 14229_436Assignment 4-Cont. - 14229_437Assignment 4-Cont. - 14229_438Assignment 4-Cont. - 14229_439Assignment 4-Cont. - 14229_440Assignment 4-Cont. - 14229_441Assignment 5 - 14229_442Assignment 5-Cont. - 14229_443Assignment 5-Cont. - 14229_444Assignment 5-Cont. - 14229_445Assignment 5-Cont. - 14229_446Assignment 5-Cont. - 14229_447Assignment 5-Cont. - 14229_448Assignment 5-Cont. - 14229_449Assignment 6Assignment 6-Cont. - 14229_451Assignment 6-Cont. - 14229_452Assignment 6-Cont. - 14229_453Assignment 6-Cont. - 14229_454Assignment 6-Cont. - 14229_455Assignment 7Assignment 7-Cont. - 14229_457Assignment 7-Cont. - 14229_458Assignment 7-Cont. - 14229_459Assignment 7-Cont. - 14229_460Assignment 8Assignment 8-Cont. - 14229_462Assignment 8-Cont. - 14229_463Assignment 8-Cont. - 14229_464Assignment 8-Cont. - 14229_465Assignment 8-Cont. - 14229_466Assignment 8-Cont. - 14229_467