Figure 4-19.-Chapel or church with two aisles.
runner is to be used, two ushers will march in
step to the chapel chancels steps, grasp the run-
ner, face the back of the chapel, and walk until
the runner is extended as far as it will go.
When the chapel does not have a single cen-
tral aisle, but has two aisles, one aisle may be
used for the processional, and the other aisle for
the recessional. (See figure 4-19.) The brides
family should then be seated in the front pews
on the left side of the center section, and the
bridegrooms family should be seated in the
front pews on the right side.
At this stage, prior to the ceremony, the RP
should have ensured that the chapel has been
properly rigged, that the chaplains vestments
and other necessary items have been laid out and