on Sunday morning preceding the Divine Liturgy. The service of Matins
normally lasts 30 minutes.
Both Vespers and Matins are celebrated on special occasions such as Holy
Roman Catholic
The Roman Catholic faith tradition celebrates the Mass as its central
worship service. The Mass, utilizing the Latin rite, consists of:
The Liturgy of the Word
The Liturgy of the Eucharist
Communicants at the Liturgy of the Eucharist may receive either bread
or wine or both.
The Mass, as well as the other rites and sacraments of the Catholic
Church, is prescribed in its worship forms. The source for the modern
Roman Catholic Eucharistic Liturgy is the General Instruction of the Roman
Missal. The Roman Missal used in the United States is divided into two
volumesa book of prayers called the Sacramentary, and a book of readings
called the Lectionary.
The Anglican faith tradition, sometimes referred to as Episcopal, draws
its liturgy or forms of worship primarily from the following sources:
The Book of Common Prayer
The Ordinal
The liturgy or form of worship used may or may not resemble the Roman
Catholic Latin Rite Mass, depending upon which form is used. Between 1964
and 1967, no fewer than 14 different Anglican forms of worship (liturgy)
were developed within the Anglican faith tradition. The Anglican or
Episcopal chaplain should be approached for specific guidance regarding
worship forms.
The Lutheran faith tradition draws its forms of worship (liturgy)
primarily from the Service Book and Hymnal.
Lutheran forms of worship may or may not resemble the Roman
Catholic Latin Rite Mass. Preparation of a common rite or form of worship
(liturgy) for all Lutheran religious bodies in the United States and Canada
was initiated in 1966. Lutheran chaplains should be consulted for specific
guidance regarding their form of worship.