Presbyterian and Reformed
The Presbyterian and Reformed faith traditions utilize a number of
forms of worship. Some of these worship forms may be found within the
following texts:
The Provisional Book of Common Worship (1966)
The Provisional Liturgy (1963)
The Book of Common Order of the Presbyterian Church in Canada
Presbyterian and Reformed chaplains should be consulted for specific
guidance concerning their form of worship.
Free Church
The forms of worship utilized by the free church traditions are varied.
Dependent upon the religious body, a standard worship form may or may
not be specified. Such rites as do exist within the free church traditions
generally make extensive use of the Bible. Chaplains from this tradition
should be consulted for specific guidance concerning their form of worship.
Among some Christian groups, a sacrament is considered to be a
religious rite originated by Christ. The sacraments celebrated by the Roman
Catholic and Eastern Orthodox faith traditions are:
BAPTISMThis is the sacrament of spiritual rebirth that gives souls
the new life of sanctifying grace by which they become children of God.
CONFIRMATION or CHRISMATIONThis is the sacrament of
spiritual strength and maturity through which the Holy Spirit enables
Catholics to profess their faith.
HOLY EUCHARIST or COMMUNIONThis is the sacrament in
which Jesus Christ is considered to be contained, offered, and received in the
elements of bread and wine.
PENANCE or CONFESSIONThis is the sacrament by which sins
are forgiven through the absolution of the priest. Penance also provides the
opportunity for persons to receive spiritual advice and instruction from their
ment for all those who are sick or are in danger of death from sickness,
accident, or old age.