Requesting Navy Public Works Center
or Marine Base Support Services
To obtain the services of the Navy Public
Works Center (NPWC), a work request must
be submitted to the station civil engineer or
public works. The Customer Request, NAVFAC
9-11014/TF-1, (figure 6-16), is the officially
recognized method of obtaining NPWC services
except in emergencies. This request form must
be completed for specific, recurring, and minor
work, engineering consultations and investiga-
tions, contracts, special project preparation, and
scheduled transportation services. As the initial
input to NPWC, the Customer Request should
contain information that is as complete as
possible to assist in speedy processing. Addi-
tional information that might enhance under-
standing of the services desired should be
included on or attached to the Customer
Request. For Marine Corps bases and air
stations you should refer to Marine Corps
Order, MCO P11000.7B and its local imple-
menting directive in the 11000 series.
EMERGENCY SERVICE can be requested
by the RP by calling the maintenance de-
partment emergency service reception desk.
Emergency work is defined as work which
requires immediate action to accomplish any or
all of the following purposes:
Prevent loss or damage to Government
Restore essential services that have been
disrupted by breakdown of utilities.
Eliminate hazards to personnel or
damage to equipment.