Chapel Lighting
The chapel should be well lighted inside and
out. Spotlights or floodlights can be used to
accentuate some special feature of the chapel at
night. Energy conservation measures should be
considered however, when spotlights or flood-
lights are used. Timers are usually installed for
this purpose.
Chapel Bulletin Boards, Literature Racks,
and Literature Displays
Chapel bulletin boards, literature racks, and
literature displays which are well placed and
properly maintained may be useful tools in
support of the religious program.
BULLETIN BOARDS.A bulletin board,
placed in a conspicuous place in the chapel,
should be used to post a copy of the chapel fund
Statement of Operations and Net Worth (figure
6-11) at the end of each fiscal quarter. Chapel
bulletin boards should also display notices of
coming chapel events and activities. Only cur-
rent information should be displayed. Outdated
material should be removed on a scheduled
basis. The Federal Supply Classification FSC
7195 should be used to identify bulletin boards
when they are requisitioned.
Figure 6-11.Chapel fund statement of operations and net worth.