Key Persons Associated with Alcohol
and Drug Abuse Programs
Key persons within NADAP include, but are
not limited to:
The Drug and Alcohol Program Advisor
The Collateral Duty Alcoholism Advisor
Counseling and Assistance Center
(CAAC) Counselors
The Medical Officer
The Civilian Employee Assistance Pro-
gram Administrator
Other Resource Personnel
Each of these individuals plays a very
important role in identifying and rehabili-
tating alcoholic and drug dependent military
personnel. An understanding of their roles
and how they interrelate within the Navys
overall alcoholism and drug dependency
rehabilitation and prevention programs will
enable the RP to compile and maintain appro-
priate reference material which will be useful to
the chaplain in the area of alcoholism and drug
ADVISOR (DAPA).The DAPA serves as an
advisor to the commanding officer regarding
drug and alcohol use and abuse within the com-
mand, The Drug Abuse and Alcohol Control
Officer (DAACO) acts in a similar capacity
within the Marine Corps. The DAPA serves as a
coordinator concerning all drug and alcohol
education, rehabilitation, identification, and
enforcement efforts within the command.
The command DAPA or DAACO can facil-
itate the referral of an alcoholic or drug depend-
ent person by the chaplain to a medical officer,
Counseling and Assistance Center (CAAC)
or another appropriate resource whenever
assistance is required.
assists commands with programs which address
alcoholism and alcohol abuse. Within the
Marine Corps, a similar function is performed
by the collateral duty alcoholism counselor
(CODAC). A CODAA or CODAC can provide
assistance in the following areas:
Identification of problem drinkers
Identification of resources available to
alcoholics and their families
Introduction of individuals and their
families into nonmedical local programs such as
Alcoholics Anonymous (AA)
Assisting recovering alcoholics
Acting as a contact point to problem
drinkers for alcohol resource and referral infor-
The CODAA or CODAC can provide the
chaplain with invaluable information in regard
to the problems of alcoholic members and
their families. Most CODAAs or CODACs are
recovering alcoholics themselves who have dealt
successfully with the problem of alcoholism.
T E R ( C A A C ) C O U N S E L O R S . C A A C s
include Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counselors
(SNEC 9522) and Alcoholism Treatment
Specialists (SNEC 9519). All CAAC counselors
are cross-trained in both drug and alcohol pro-
grams to increase the flexibility and continuity
or services offered at CAACs regardless of loca-
Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counselors provide
evaluation, counseling, and referral services
to individuals identified as drug or alcohol
abusers. Drug and Alcohol Abuse Counselors
also provide a point of contact for commands
and individuals seeking assistance concerning
alcohol or drug abuse programs.
Alcoholism Treatment Specialists assist
medical officers and other professional staff