Nutrition Programs for the Elderly
Because nutrition has been shown to play
such a vital role in maintaining the health and
well-being of the elderly, a number of nutrition
programs which can assist elderly persons have
developed. Some of these programs were devel-
oped under the auspices of the National Nutri-
tion Program for the Elderly.
MEALS ON WHEELS.Meals on wheels is
a nutrition program designed for the elderly
who are homebound. Volunteers provide daily
delivery of a hot noon meal and cold supper to
elderly participants. Payment for the meals is
based upon the individuals income.
Congregate meal programs generally provide a
hot noon meal to older citizens at various cen-
ters located within the community. Programs in
recreation, education, and health are often
available before or after each meal.
FOOD STAMPS.Food stamps are cou-
pons which are spent just like cash in food stores
and supermarkets. The food stamp program is
administered by the U.S. Department of Agri-
culture through local and state social service
agencies. The program operates in the continen-
tal United States, Puerto Rico, Guam, Alaska,
Hawaii, and the District of Columbia. If a
retiree is eligible for food stamps, an identifica-
tion card is issued and food stamps are mailed to
the retiree once a month. Normally, the tele-
phone directory will list the address and the
telephone number of the food stamp office in
the area.
Nursing Homes for the Elderly
Nursing homes are facilities which can pro-
vide custodial and health care services to:
Chronically ill patients
Convalescent patients
Maternity patients
Patients who are invalids
Patients who are elderly
Resource and referral information in regard
to nursing homes can generally be obtained from
the local Department of Health, a hospital social
worker, the nearest branch or representative
of the American Nursing Home Association,
or the American Association of Homes for the
National Organizations
for Older People
There are many local and national organiza-
tions for older people. Membership in these
organizations can sometimes prove helpful to
elderly retired people. Some of the major
national organizations for older people include:
American Association of Retired
Persons/National Retired Teachers Associa-
tion (AARP/NRTA), 1909 K Street NW,
Washington, DC 20049
National Council for Senior Citizens
(NCSC), 1511 K Street NW, Washington, DC
National Association of Retired Federal
Employees (NARFE), 1533 New Hampshire
Avenue NW, Washington, DC 20036
Gray Panthers, 3700 Chestnut Street,
Philadelphia, PA 19104
Alcohol and drug dependence are serious
problems for a significant number of Navy and
Marine Corps members and their families. The
chaplain is often called upon to provide pastoral
counseling and referral assistance to military
members and their families who are facing prob-
lems of this nature.