personnel in establishing and maintaining
formal treatment programs for active duty,
retired, and reserve personnel and dependents
assigned to alcoholism treatment and rehabil-
itation facilities, Alcoholism Treatment
Specialists conduct individual and group ther-
apy sessions during hospitalization and rehabil-
itation periods and assist recovering personnel
in returning to full duty. Alcoholism Treatment
Specialists also assist local commands in
establishing alcohol abuse prevention, educa-
tion, identification, safety, and rehabilitation
officer receives walk-in patients and refer-
rals from the DAPA, DAACO, or other referral
sources. The medical officer will then:
Make a diagnosis* of alcoholism or drug
addiction and refer the person to an appropriate
rehabilitation facility.
Make a diagnosis* of
abuse and refer the person to
than a rehabilitation facility.
alcohol or drug
a resource other
The medical officer within the command
who normally makes the diagnosis of alcoholism
and drug addiction should be noted in the I&R
Civilian Employee Assistance Program (EAP)
provides assistance to civilian employees
who have problems with alcoholism or drug
dependence. Referrals by supervisorsbased
upon poor work performanceare a key ele-
ment. A chaplain may be called upon to
assist a civilian employee with a work-related
alcohol or drug dependency problem, partic-
ularly if the employee is a retired Navy or
Marine Corps member. The program adminis-
trator can normally be reached through the
Civilian Personnel Office (CPO) or through
the Consolidated Civilian Personnel Office
* NOTE: A diagnosis of alcoholism
made only by the medical officer.
or drug addiction is
(CCPO). The EAP administrator can assist the
chaplain by:
Providing current information to the
chaplain regarding the Civilian Employee
Assistance Program
Providing essential personnel informa-
tion to the chaplain regarding civilian employees
Identifying community resources
available to civilian employees
All civilian employees, except military
seen by the chaplain concerning
alcoholism or drug addiction will normally be
referred by the EAP administrator. The EAP
administrator should be identified within the
I&R Directory.
OTHER RESOURCES.Other people who
should be included within the Alcohol and Drug
portion of the I&R Directory include, but are
not limited to:
Human Resource Management Detach-
ment Personnel
Health Benefits Advisor
Family Services Center Staff Chaplain
Family Services Center I&R Specialist
Navy Clinical Social Work Officer
(normally assigned to Naval Regional Medical
The following civilian resource personnel
should also be included when possible:
Local Veterans Administration (VA)
Community and State Drug and Alcohol
Program Representatives
Local Volunteer Agency Representatives
(Alcoholics Anonymous)
Civilian Clergypersons who are available
for family counseling of alcohol and drug
dependent personnel