to reach those goals. This will require CRP
personnel to work closely with the local Navy or
Marine Corps Public Affairs Office (PAO), as
appropriate, in order to disseminate religious
program information and to realize the CRP
publicity goals. This section provides informa-
tion which may be helpful to CRP personnel
concerned with Command Religious Program
With the help and guidance of the chaplains,
Religious Program Specialists who are con-
cerned with publicity must determine in advance
what activities and events require publicity.
Advance publicity for religious program ac-
tivities is a very effective means of eliciting the
support of the command and the participation
of the chapel community. An accurate assess-
ment of the nature, purpose, and goals of a
particular religious program activity or event
will help religious program personnel determine
the type of publicity that should be used.
Religious, community, and family activities
which may require publicity include but are not
limited to:
Divine services
Administration of sacraments and
religious ordinances
Funeral services
Devotional activities
Religious instruction
Religious conferences, seminars, and
Community, youth, and family religious
Personal response, people-to-people, and
Navy Handclasp activities
Audiovisual presentations offered
through the religious program
Religious Program Specialists should obtain
from the cognizant chaplain the following infor-
mation pertaining to the activities which are to
be publicized:
The target audience
A description of the event
The advantages of attending
The location of the event
The time of the event
The goal of the publicity
The publicity media which should be used
When the publicity should be released
When evaluation of the publicity should
After all the information concerning each
activity has been obtained, it should be recorded
in the future file of the CRP for release to the
PAO or for reference purposes by the RP at the
appropriate time.
The Future File
The future file is a planning tool which is
used to release religious program publicity infor-
mation to the public affairs office and internal
media in a timely manner.
The future file may consist of a collection of
file folders, each containing advance informa-
tion about a particular upcoming event. It can
also be as simple as a calendar pad with suffi-
cient space in its blocks to write key words
which serve as reminders. A large grid under
glass or a plastic sheet which can be marked with
a grease pencil also works well. Another varia-
tion of the future file is the date-box. In this
arrangement, 31 file folders contain advance
material-one for each day of the month.