Commissioning library collections are not
issued in whole or in part to precommissioning
crews or details.
In the case of reactivated ships, the same
procedures apply, except that NETPDC bears
the cost of the library.
Acquiring Additional Materials
After commissioning, ship libraries receive
materials from various sources using the means
which are appropriate to the occasion and re-
BOOK DISTRIBUTION.Distributions of
books which are provided by NETPDC are the
primary supplement to the ships library collec-
tion. Each month a shipment of paperback
books alone, or of clothbound and paperback
books, is mailed to each ship in commission
from the Naval Supply Center, Norfolk.
Distributions of clothbound books include fic-
tion, nonfiction, and reference books. The
Naval General Library News Memorandum pro-
vides information as to books ordered for future
distributions and books actually distributed.
Library officers should establish a schedule of
anticipated receipts so that necessary followup
actions can be taken if book shipments are not
received within a reasonable time after the
expected date of receipt.
ships general library collection can and may be
augmented from the library material stocks
maintained by NETPDC at the Naval Supply
Center, Norfolk. Naval regional librarians have
copies of the latest fiction and nonfiction stock
lists and assist in evaluating present collections
and in selecting books to be requested from
stock. However, the library officer or the RP
is responsible for the preparation of the actual
letter request for submission to NETPDC.
The timing of stock requests is critical. A
minimum of 6 weeks from time of receipt of the
request to shipment from the Naval Supply
Center, Norfolk is normally required.
When stock lists are not available, stock
requests need only identify categories of books
needed (mathematics, language, American
history, detective stories, paperback books,
etc. ). General Library Services staff will then
select the appropriate books from stocks on
hand or select and procure books for delivery
direct to the ship.
Books needed in ship libraries which are not
available from stock may be requested from
NETPDC. If funds are available, and ships
libraries have the highest priority, NETPDC
will order the books. Copies of the order with a
letter of instruction will be sent to the ship by
NETPDC. The books will usually be delivered
directly to the ship using a fast pay procedure
which eliminates the handling of invoices and
other such documents by the RP. It is essential
that the RP note all discrepancies between what
was ordered, what was received, and what the
supplier said was shipped and report them
promptly to the supplier, via letter, with a copy
listening equipment in their shipboard libraries
may request NETPDC to provide sound record-
ings in disk, cassette, or cartridge, but not open
reel, formats. The selection of recordings and
the preparation of requests to NETPDC are car-
ried out by ship personnel. Naval regional
librarians have available the latest editions of
record catalogs needed for the selection and
details regarding order preparation. If funds are
available, NETPDC will order the recordings
desired using the fast pay procedure previously
noted above.
Subscriptions require the use of ships funds.
Naval regional librarians can help in selecting
magazines and advise as to the best way for the
ship to buy subscriptions. The use of multiyear,
usually 3-year, subscriptions is recommended.
FILMS.At most home ports, shore activity
general libraries have collections of super 8mm
films and shipboard usable projectors. Films
and projectors may be borrowed by library
officers for use in ship libraries while ships are in
port. Ships personnel should be encouraged to
use films in the shore library. This provides a
larger selection of films, requires less time and
recordkeeping for the RP and other ship library
personnel, and allows use of inport periods