procedures pertaining to shipboard library
Library staffing, facilities, equipment, furni-
ture, binding, materials, supplies, library
materials not available from CNET, and admin-
istrative support, including library staff travel
and training, are provided by commanding
officers of afloat activities. Higher echelons of
command have the same responsibilities for the
proper administration of naval general libraries
afloat as they have for all elements of their
Facility needs of general libraries afloat must
be met in ship construction (SCN) planning and
budgeting, and habitability improvement plans
for personnel support facilities. Commanding
officers of Navy afloat activities, in coordina-
tion with CNET, are responsible for expanding
shipboard general library collections and
facilities as required to support the Navy
Campus (NC). (See OPNAVINST 1500,45 A.)
Delegation of Responsibility
for Shipboard Libraries
Commanding officers may delegate staff
responsibilities for the General Library Program
as a collateral duty. This library officer duty
may be assigned to either a Religious Program
Specialist, a chaplain, or another qualified
Regulatory Instructions for
Shipboard Libraries
Commanding officers issue local library
directives and require reports of library activities
which are deemed appropriate to ensure the best
use of library facilities, materials, and services,
The following points should be covered in all
library directives:
The location of the library, the days and
hours of operation, and telephone numbers.
Personnel authorized to use the library
and requirements for establishing borrower
Rules for the loan of library materials, in-
cluding the length of the loan periods, number
of books loaned to individuals at one time, etc.
Rules for interlibrary loan service, if provided,
Overdue notice procedures and action to
be taken to ensure the return of library materials
within the time period specified.
Policy on reimbursement procedures for
library materials lost, damaged, or destroyed.
P o l i c y o n u s e o f m u s i c r o o m s ,
audiovisual materials and equipment in a ship-
board library compartment, where applicable.
Other matters such as appropriate dress,
behavior, etc., may be included.
Assistance and Guidance Visits
In addition to regularly scheduled profes-
sional assistance visits, from the naval regional
librarians, commanding officers may request in-
terim visits when needs arise. Afloat commands
should request visits approximately 120 days
prior to extended deployments.
The Religious Program Specialist must
understand how the general library afloat
is organized, staffed, operated, and maintained
in order to provide quality library service
afloat. The provision of quality library service
will do much to enhance and maintain the
morale of personnel afloat. Providing this type
of library service will require that the RP have a
fundamental understanding of each of the
following areas:
Staffing the shipboard library
Training of shipboard library personnel