to catch up on library work prior to deploy-
Religious Program Specialists must be aware
of procedures used to control shipboard library
materials. The control of library materials can
be divided into three distinct phases: addition to
the inventory, circulation, and removal from the
Addition to the Inventory
All materials in naval general library collec-
tions are property of the U.S. Government,
regardless of their source or value. They will be
processed into library inventory in accordance
with procedures given in Chapter 9 of the
General Library Manual. Mass market paper-
bound books are not normally processed into
cataloged inventory. However, such books and
other materials of the sort remain Federal prop-
erty and should be stamped with the library
property stamp. Paperbound books received as
part of monthly clothbound distributions,
special distributions, or through special request
orders must be fully processed into inventory.
Library books are not plant account prop-
erty nor are they entered on lists of minor
property in use. Inventory records are internal to
the library. Each naval general library must
maintain a separate General Library Inventory
Record (NAVEDTRA 5070/4) sheet for each
type of material held and must enter in the
record the quantities of materials on hand,
added, and dropped from holdings with such
notes as may be required for clarity. (See
Appendix Ca of the General Library Manual.)
Shelf lists of various categories of materials must
be maintained and must serve as the complete
official, detailed inventory record of the current
holdings of libraries.
Loss Rates
Library materials are a significant cost item.
Losses to shipboard library collections must be
held to a minimum. While circumstances must
be taken into consideration, excessive losses to
inventory in general libraries afloat should be
investigated. Physical inventories of library col-
lections must be taken by the RP at least once
every 3 years or when assuming responsibility
for a shipboard library.
Circulation as a procedure includes all opera-
tions, records, and rules for the loan and return
of library materials, whether circulated only
within the library or outside the library.
Library patron files, or borrower files are
maintained by the RP as approved files under
the Privacy Act. Information in the files must be
used strictly in accordance with the provisions of
the Privacy Act. SECNAVINST 5211.5 iden-
tifies as approved systems of library patron
records Navy system N00028. Persons register-
ing as library users must be advised by the RP of
their rights under the Privacy Act.
Overdue Materials
Library directives establish the basic com-
mand policy in respect to return of materials
under which the library operates. In general,
First overdue notices should be sent 3 to 5
days after the date materials were due.
Second notices should be sent 3 to 5 days
after the first notice.
Third notices should be sent 3 to 5 days
after the second notice and normally are directed
to division officers for action.
Personnel clearing an activity should also
clear through the shipboard library.
Fees and Fines
Fees may not be charged for use of naval
general libraries. However, fees may be collected
for coin-operated copying machines and costs
associated with some aspects and varieties of
interlibrary loan,
particularly requests for
Monetary fines or penalties must not be im-
posed or collected for overdue materials.
Disciplinary procedures relating to overdue
materials must be those imposed for other