The Naval General Library Program
elements in the procedure for commissioning
Organization and Operation (MN-10922B)
library collections are approximately as follows:
informs library officers and library personnel
about the organization, operation, and support
Prior to the commissioning date9
of the General Library Program and gives an
monthsNETPDC requests that the outfit
overview of the program for commanders and
supply activity for the ship set aside funds for
staff at all levels.
the library and issue a work request to NETPDC
in that amount.
Format: 16mm sound-color
Running time: 25 minutes
Library Attendants Training Package
(NAVEDTRA 7000)is an inservice training
program adapted for self-study. It is designed
to assist in training library aides and library
attendants in correctional centers and facilities
but it is useful in training those responsible
for shipboard libraries. The package includes
sound cassettes,
color slides and holders,
printed materials,
a sound/slide projector,
and earphones. The training package is avail-
able for loan from naval regional librar-
Religious Program Specialists must under-
stand how shipboard library collections are
established. General libraries afloat are per-
manent facilities established at the time of
commissioning. The optimum number of
general libraries and collections required to
satisfy the library needs of naval personnel
is maintained. The establishment or disestab-
lishment of library collections unrelated to
official changes in the Naval Establishment
must be approved by CNET prior to implemen-
General libraries are located and maintained
aboard each ship in commission, aboard reserve
force ships electing to maintain a library, and
aboard military sealift command ships for use
of assigned naval contingents. Commissioning
library collections of newly constructed and
converted/modernized ships are provided as a
scheduled part of outfit supply. The key
Prior to the commissioning date6
monthsNETPDC selects the books for the col-
lection and authorizes the Naval Supply Center,
Norfolk, to issue the collection from the library
book stocks.
Prior to the commissioning date2 to 4
monthsNaval Supply Center, Norfolk issues
the collection selected. When possible, a
regional librarian working with ships personnel
will supervise the processing of the collec-
tioncataloging, classification, and physical
preparations. At each critical point, the prospec-
tive commanding officer is advised of the action
being initiated. Participation with the general
library staff at NETPDC in the selection of the
collection is encouraged as is early planning for
command support of the ships library,
The Basic Shipboard Collection
The basic collection of books provided is
generally based on 1.5 clothbound books per
authorized billet. Nonfiction books make up
approximately 65% of the total. The type of
ship, probable home port, and like factors in-
fluence the selection process. The clothbound
collection is supplemented by an initial bulk
shipment of paperbound books equal to approx-
imately one book per authorized billet with
adjustments for smaller ships. Small ships,
without an RP in ships company, generally
receive a substantial paperback collection
augmented by a selection of standard general
and naval science reference books.
If equipment for listening is to be available in
the library, sound recording tapes may be
ordered as a part of the commissioning library.
Ships personnel select the recordings desired.
The nearest naval regional librarian will assist
with order procedures. The request is forwarded
via official letter to NETPDC.