abuse, overseas diplomacy, et. al., to coordinate
library collection development and services.
Maintain substantive contact with the
Naval Regional Librarian for the unit and
arrange for periodic visits by the Naval Regional
Librarian to the units library particularly
on return to home port following extended
The library officer reports to the executive
officer regarding matters pertaining to the
administration of the library and the crews re-
ception room. Personnel assigned to the library
and crews reception room report to the library
officer. The size of the general library staff is
determined by the population served. Guidelines
are given in the staffing tables for shipboard
libraries in the OPNAVINST 5310.6 series.
Shipboard Library Attendants
Ship libraries are staffed in a variety of ways,
such as assigned duty station, assigned watches,
paid library attendants (when the appropriate
fleet commander in chief has granted a waiver to
the ship), and volunteers. Junior RPs and
library attendants perform library duties and
carry out library procedures under the supervi-
sion of the library officer who provides, or
arranges with a regional librarian, for the
necessary indoctrination and training. The
library duties of junior RPs and library attend-
ants include:
Keeping the library and its collection
physically clean and neat.
Checking books, periodicals, and other
materials in and out of the library and main-
taining the necessary files and statistical rec-
Preparing overdue notices and following
up on missing books.
Processing books received, maintaining
the shelf-list and card catalog, and conducting
inventories as required.
Securing the library space after operating
hours, taking necessary precautions to protect
the library against fire, water, and damage in
heavy weather.
Advising readers as to the use of the card
catalog and other files and facilities.
Recording and informing the library
officer in regard to requests made for particular
books and periodicals which are not available in
the collection, and of shortages and needs for
library supplies and equipment.
Maintaining order in the library and
reporting unacceptable conduct to the library
Seeing to the maintenance of equipment
and training operators to use them.
CNET assists in the training of library
officers and attendants through workshops con-
ducted by naval regional librarians, through
publications, through onboard visits and con-
sultations, and through the provision of training
aids. Use of CNET services and training
materials is a vital facet of library officer and
attendant training. Considerable personal effort
will still be required, however, to reach and
maintain a satisfactory level of competence in
library science. These efforts might include visits
to Navy and other general libraries ashore to
observe facilities and operations; visits to other
ship libraries; enrollment in courses in library
science, particularly courses in library reference
book selections and technical processes; and
self-study through such means as reading and
attendance at library meetings.
General Library Program training films are
provided for orientation and training. The
following General Library Program training
films are available for loan from: regional
librarians at Groton, Charleston, Pearl Harbor,
and San Francisco; Training Aids Film Library,
Yokosuka; Fleet Aviation Specialized Opera-
tional Training Group, Atlantic Det., Roosevelt
Roads; Training Aids Library, Guam; and
Training Aids Film Library, Subic Bay.
The Library Assistant (MN-10922A)
is useful for training library assistants in ship-
board and small libraries ashore in the technical
processes of general libraries and to brief com-
mands on functions of general libraries.
Format: 16mm sound-color
Running time: 19 minutes