Commissioning shipboard library collec-
Acquiring additional shipboard library
Controlling shipboard library material
Simplified processing procedures for
shipboard library material
Simplified circulation procedures for
shipboard library material
Interlibrary loan policies
Resource management for shipboard
Shipboard library facilities
Shipboard library supplies and equip-
Funding for shipboard libraries
Technical support visits
Predeployment scheduling
Each of these areas is discussed in the following
Aboard ship, the commanding officer is
responsible for the maintenance and operation
of the commands General Library Program. In
most instances, the commanding officer will
delegate the functions of library officer to
a qualified person within the command as a
collateral duty. These functions include organiz-
ing, planning, and administering the shipboard
library. The duty of shipboard library officer
can be performed by warrant, commissioned
warrant, chief petty officer (CPO), or in some
instances, by highly motivated and qualified
petty officer (PO) personnel. Aboard deep-draft
vessels, Religious Program Specialist (RP) per-
sonnel maintain the shipboard library and senior
RP personnel may be assigned the duty of
shipboard library officer by virtue of their
library experience and the library training which
they have received. The basic functions, duties,
responsibilities, authority, and organizational
relationships of the library officer are speci-
fied in OPNAVINST 3120.32, Article 305.9,
Standard Organization and Regulations of the
U.S. Navy. These duties
officer to:
Assure training of
tasks to enlisted personnel
require the library
and assign library
who have been as-
signed to the units library by the administrative
assistant. Where assigned, Religious Program
Specialists (RPs) normally maintain shipboard
general libraries.
Receive monthly shipments of books
from the Naval Education and Training Pro-
gram Development Center (NAVEDTRAPRO-
DEVCEN) via the Naval Supply Center,
Norfolk (NSC Norva). Note any discrepancies
and take necessary actions to resolve them,
Supervise the processing, cataloging,
and circulating of all library books and material
in accordance with recommended procedures.
Maintain inventory records of additions to and
withdrawals from library collections.
Review the content of the librarys collec-
tions of materials (books, magazines, sound
recordings, etc.) and take action to dispose of
unneeded or damaged materials and to acquire
additional materials. See to the provision of
necessary supplies, equipment, and furnishings
and to their installation, upkeep, and repair.
Recommend library rules and procedures
regarding the hours of service, lending of books,
and so forth to encourage greater use of the li-
brary. Assure that the Commands library direc-
tive (5070 series) is current and comprehensive.
Supervise the overall library operation,
assume accountability for all library materials
and furnishings, and carry out general library
policies and procedures established for library
operations and maintenance. Submit recom-
mended changes in policy through channels for
Ensure that the library facility/space is
well-lighted, quiet, attractive, clean, and com-
fortable with. adequate provision for shelving,
library use and reading, catalogs of materials,
and staff work.
Publicize library services and collections
and otherwise work to increase library use.
Maintain liaison with other offices and pro-
grams such as education, drug and alcohol