carriers and other deep draft vessels to which
they are assigned. Religious Program Specialists
who are assigned to ship squadrons may also
be called upon to provide advice and assist-
ance to the library officers of ships in their
squadron. In order to provide library services
afloat, it is necessary for the Religious Program
Specialist to acquire a basic understanding of
overall library support responsibilities of
the Chief of Naval Education and Training
(CNET), of the library support functions
of the Naval Education and Training Program
Development Center (NETPDC), and of the
technical guidance and assistance functions of
naval regional librarians who are on the staffs
of the Naval Education and Training Support
Centers, Atlantic and Pacific. Additionally, the
RP must understand the responsibilities of the
commanding officer for general libraries afloat.
Each of these areas is discussed in the following
The Chief of Naval Operations (OP-01)
serves as Navy resource sponsor for the Navys
General Library Program. Under the Chief of
Naval Operations, the Chief of Naval Education
and Training (CNET) has overall operational
responsibility for the General Library Program.
CNET establishes and promulgates policies and
requires reports which are needed for the suc-
cessful management of the library program and
its resources.
The Chief of Naval Education and Training
provides technical direction of the General
Library Program and develops and establishes
standards, criteria, and procedures required for
general library facilities, collections, operations,
and services. CNET also provides administrative
and technical guidance to ashore and afloat
commands maintaining general libraries. CNET
also provides administrative and technical
guidance to commands having responsibilities
related to the general funding, equipping, or
staffing of general library facilities. These
libraries may be operated as in-house or as
contract activities.
Professional library services provided by
CNET include:
Management studies to plan, evaluate,
and develop the General Library Program.
Liaison with services, commands, depart-
ments, and offices in and out of the Navy,
DOD, and Federal Government on library
Advice and counsel on general library ad-
ministrative and management elements such as
budgets, staffing, facilities, collection develop-
ment, public relations, and public services.
Arranging and participating in work-
shops, conferences, seminars, and other training
programs for library personnel.
Collecting and evaluating data on general
libraries and applying results in planning,
budgeting, policy formulation, and in develop-
ing standards and criteria.
The Commanding Officer, Naval Education
and Training Program Development Center
(NETPDC), centrally budgets for and supports
Navy general libraries through the selection,
procurement, and regular distribution of newly
published books and other materials, print and
nonprint, normal to general library collections
and services. NETPDC serves as inventory
manager for library materials in the Navys
General Library Program, and directs and coor-
dinates within the naval service the redistribu-
tion of collections, furnishings, and equipment
of libraries being consolidated or closed. Library
personnel, facilities, equipment, furnishings,
supplies, bindings, and library materials not
available from NETPDC are provided by ac-
tivity commanders. Facility needs of general
libraries must be accommodated in military con-
struction and ship construction planning and
budgeting and in habitability improvement
plans. Commissioning libraries for new and con-
verted ships are provided by NETPDC. Their