costs are met from funds budgeted for the out-
fitting of ships.
Professional library services provided by
NETPDC include:
Review, selection, and procurement of
new books to be distributed to general libraries.
Development and justification of re-
quests for funds to centrally support Navy
general libraries.
Preparation and distribution of profes-
sional information such as newsletters,
bibliographies, and publicity items.
Directing the distribution and redistribu-
tion of library materials and equipment within
the general library system.
Designing and assuring the availability in
stock of forms and publications useful in library
Regional guidance and coordination of the
Navys General Library Program is provided by
the staffs of the naval regional librarians. The
naval regional librarians are field library
representatives and liaison agents on library
matters for CNET. Naval regional librarians are
assigned to the staffs of Naval Education and
Training Support Centers and have library
responsibility for service to geographical areas as
Naval Regional Librarian, Groton, CT:
Maine, New Hampshire, Connecticut,
Rhode Island, Illinois, Pennsylvania, New
Jersey, Indiana, Delaware, Newfoundland,
Iceland, Bermuda, Azores, United Kingdom,
all Europe, Crete, and Middle East.
Naval Regional Librarian, Norfolk, VA:
Virginia, West Virginia, Maryland, North
Carolina, Naval District, Washington, DC,
Naval Regional Librarian, Charleston,
Georgia, South Carolina, Florida, Missis-
sippi, Louisiana, Texas, Tennessee, Puerto
Rico, Bahamas, West Indies, Virgin and
other Caribbean Islands, Panama.
Naval Regional Librarian, San Diego,
California South of Big Sur, Arizona.
Naval Regional Librarian, San Francisco,
California, Big Sur and Lemoore North, and
Oregon, Washington, Nevada, Alaska.
Naval Regional Librarian, Pearl Harbor,
Hawaii, Midway, Marianas, Philippines,
Japan, Okinawa, Taiwan, Korea, Australia,
New Zealand, and all other Pacific, Indian
Ocean, and Asian locations.
Services Provided
Naval regional librarians plan and implement
programs to organize, maintain, evaluate, and
improve general library services and resources
for all fleet and shore-based activities within the
assigned region. They provide advice and pro-
fessional assistance to type commanders, com-
manding officers and their staffs, afloat and
ashore, on library materials, personnel, facilities
and space utilization, equipment, budgets,
public relations, readers and reference services,
and programs.
Naval regional librarians furnish profes-
sional leadership and library coordination on
a regional basis through consultation, cor-
respondence, and interpretation of library
guidelines, They also conduct technical support
visits to all shipboard libraries, Visits are usually
conducted prior to deployment or at least once
a year. They also conduct frequent training
sessions for shipboard library personnel and
interpret for commanding officers and com-
manders of staffs the general policies and