misuse or misappropriation of Government
When materials in circulation are lost,
damaged, or destroyed by means other than
natural disasters and like incidents, persons
responsible must replace the lost materials or
reimburse the Government for the value of the
materials. Payment may be made by check,
money order, or through a withhold-from-pay
procedure at the option of the individual.
Regardless of the method of payment, the
money becomes that of the Department of the
Treasury, and is not immediately available to
replace the materials lost. Money collected by
the RP should be turned over promptly to the
local disbursing officer for deposit, and should
be recorded on a DD Form 1131, Cash Collec-
tion Voucher. Checks should be made payable
to the activity to which the library is attached.
The RP may withdraw library materials
from the active collections of shipboard
general libraries for any of several reasons.
However, materials withdrawn from shipboard
collections remain Government property and
must not be disposed of except by means that are
officially prescribed. Specifically such materials
may not be sold, donated to, nor placed on per-
manent loan in non-Federal agencies, schools,
or institutions, by libraries or their commands,
and may not be given to any persons whether
military or nonmilitary. The following is a sum-
mary of appropriate procedures to be taken by
the RP:
EXCESS MATERIALS.Current materials
in sound, clean physical condition may be
transferred to other naval service or military
libraries at the direction of the naval regional
librarian. Regional librarians and NETPDC
should be advised when materials of significant
value, either intrinsic or extrinsic, are to be
disposed of and they will assist in locating
libraries having a requirement for the materials,
Prior to being declared Navy excess, books and
other printed materials may be sent by appro-
priate means to the Library of Congress, Ex-
change and Gift Division, James Madison
Memorial Bldg., Room LM-B03, Washington,
DC 20540 in accordance with Federal Property
Management Regulations 101-46.301 and
10146.405, or passed to the nearest Defense
Disposal Office for official action after being
determined excess to the naval general library
system by NETPDC. These should be forwarded
with a turn-in document (DD 1348-1) in accord-
ance with Defense Disposal Manual ( D O D
4160.21 M).
W O R N , S O I L E D , A N D O B S O L E T E
MATERIALS.Worn or soiled materials not
fit for reissue and obsolete materials must be
surveyed by the RP and physically disposed of
locally in accordance with current disposal
regulations. Physical destruction is preferred.
These materials must not be allowed to ac-
cumulate in libraries or elsewhere.
disposal need state only the number of items
given or received, the activity(ies) involved, and
the date and method of disposal. See NAV-
SUPPSYSCOM Manual 25818.4b.
which are not sent to or exchanged with Fleet
Exchange Collections must be disposed of by the
RP in accordance with the information provided
above, with sound, clean books normally being
sent to the Library of Congress. When ships
appear on the deactivation list, NETPDC, by
letter, advises commands of the procedures to be
FILMS.Super 8mm films and projectors
provided by NETPDC must be sent to the
appropriate naval regional librarian for transfer.
The need will normally not arise except through
ships being decommissioned.
Decommissionings and Deactivations
Commanding officers of ships being decom-
missioned or deactivated will be instructed in
advance by NETPDC to send general library
collections and card catalogs to another activity
within the general system or to the nearest
exchange collection.
Prior to deactivation, an onboard visit by the
naval regional librarian should be scheduled to
review the library collections before shipment is