appeal to the library and preserves vital cover
illustrative and printed information to assist the
library user in selecting books. When plastic
jackets are not used, the information printed on
the back and inside flaps of the paper cover
should be pasted inside the front cover of the
book. Instructions for applying plastic jackets
are provided by the suppliers.
(7) Prepare catalog and shelf-list cards for
each book. Each fiction book is accompanied by
three catalog cards-two author cards (author is
printed on the top line) and a title card (title is
printed on the top line). Each nonfiction book is
accompanied by at least three cardstwo or
more author cards and a title card. Verify that
the information on the catalog cards-author
and titlematches that on the book. Tempo-
rarily set aside any book and cards which do not
match. For fiction books, no additional card
preparation is needed except separation of the
cards for filing. Place one author card aside for
the shelf-list file. Place the other author card
and the title card aside for the card catalog file.
For nonfiction books it is necessary to add the
subject heading(s) information for the subject
card(s). Subject headings are listed at the bottom
of the author card by Arabic number. Each
heading listed should be typed in CAPITAL
LETTERS at the top of one author card. When
this is completed, separate the cards for filing:
one author card for the shelf-list file; one author
card, the title card, and the subject card(s) for
the card catalog file. See figure 8-7 for a sample
Figure 8-7.-Catalog cards.