during their display and use. Special magazine
and newspaper racks are recommended for dis-
playing these materials.
(e) Tapes. Tapes requested from NET-
PDC are shipped with an itemized packing list.
Receipt and verification of tapes must be carried
out in accordance with the NETPDC Letter of
Instruction which is forwarded to the ship. A
library inventory log must be maintained for
tape collections. Each tape should be assigned
a number (1, 2, 3, 4, etc.) and inventoried
in the log by number with performer, title, and
date of receipt information. (See figure 8-15.)
Property marking of tapes is difficult due to
their form. Audiovisual labels are available from
library supply houses. Some cassettes can also be
marked with library lettering pens or electrical
styluses. No additional processing is needed for
tapes to be used solely in the library. Libraries
which loan tapes for use in other ship spaces
should prepare a book card for each tape. The
card should list the tapes number, performer,
and title. Tape cards should be kept on file by
tape number in the tape cabinet. (See figure
Figure 8-15.Tape inventory log.
Figure 8-16.Card for tape checkout.
8-1 6.) Tapes are stored by log number in secured
cabinets. The library should post a list of tapes
available. The list may be a copy of the log
Library materials are placed in the ships
library to be used. Circulation procedures and
policies are established to govern the use of
materials by personnel. Their function is to
assure equal access to and fairness in the use of
all materials.
Loaning Materials
A controlled take one, leave one system
of circulation for mass market paperbacks is
recommended. Worn and obsolete mass market
paperbacks should be physically disposed of