time is entered on the book card along with
the borrowers name, rank, and division. The
library attendant keeps the card and assures that
the book is returned to him before the user
leaves the library.
assistant notes the date due on the book pocket
of the returned book, locates the book card in
the circulation file, and replaces it in the book
pocket. If the book card is clipped, the assistant
notifies the individual waiting for the book that
it is available. If no reserve is registered, the
book is placed in its proper place on the shelf.
RESERVE BOOKS.The important service
of reserving for a prospective reader a book that
is on loan to another person can be done by the
RP with relative ease. On a 3 by 5 card, note the
author and title of the book, the requestors
name, rank, division, and the date of the re-
quest. Locate the book card for the reserved
book in the circulation file and attach the 3 by 5
request card to the book card with a paper clip.
When the requested book is returned, its reserve
status will be readily evident upon locating the
book card. Notify the requestor that the book is
now available.
RENEWAL.If a borrower wishes to
extend the loan period for a book, the library
assistant will first make sure that no one has
reserved the book in question. Books on reserve
will not be renewed. If no reserve is on file, the
book card is filled in again by the borrower
name, rank, divisionand a new due date is
stamped on the card and the book pocket. The
book card is filed under the new due date. A
book should not be renewed verbally; books
must be brought to the library for renewal.
Magazines and Newspapers
Magazines and newspapers generally are not
checked out, but are for use in the library. If,
however, suitable arrangements can be made,
back issues of magazines maybe loaned. A card
to identify the magazine (see figure 8-18) is
prepared. The borrower should print name,
rank, and division on the card, the card and
front cover of the magazine are stamped with
the due date, and the book card filed behind the
date due in the circulation file. Loan periods for
magazines should not exceed 1 week.
Tapes borrowed solely for use in the library
may simply be logged in and out by the RP. The
tape log should list tape number, name, rank,
and division of borrower; and date and time
borrowed. When the tape is returned, the time is
logged in by the RP and the tape is refiled in the
cabinet according to its number.
Tapes borrowed for use in other spaces
aboard ship are checked out as a book. The bor-
rower should print name, rank, and division on
the tape card. The date due (day, month, year) is
stamped on the card which is then filed in the
circulation file alphabetically by performer
behind the date due. Loan period for tapes
should not exceed 3 days, Check-in for tapes is
handled the same as for a book except that the
card is replaced in the card file in the tape
Figure 8-18.Checkout card for magazines and other non-
book materials.