Naval regional librarians, located at Groton,
Norfolk, Charleston, San Francisco, San Diego,
and Pearl Harbor, have catalogs of standard
library equipment and furnishings and will assist
with library layout and planning.
Supplies and equipment for general libraries
are procured from local funds available to the
Library Equipment
A basic equipment allowance list for general
library operation is given in Appendix Dc of the
General Library Manual. To assure a functional
and efficient library, nonstandard library equip-
ment must be avoided, particularly for shelving,
card catalog cases, and circulation desks.
An annual library buyers guide published
each year in the LIBRARY JOURNAL includes
a Product Directory and a Suppliers Directory.
This guide should be consulted for current com-
mercial library sources of library supplies and
equipment. Catalogs from commercial library
supply houses should be used to establish
specifications and descriptions for required
The Federal Supply Schedule Group 71, Part
XIII, Sections A and B, a mandatory multiple
award schedule, covers many items of library
furniture and shelving, both wood and metal.
Consult the contractors catalogs and price lists
for details on costs, delivery terms, warranties,
Other Federal Supply Schedules covering
items pertinent to library operation are listed in
Appendix De of the General Library Manual
Library Supplies
Many general office supplies are available
through the Navy and Marine Corps supply
systems and through General Services Ad-
ministration stores stock. For information on
GSA stores stock and a list of general Govern-
ment supplies useful for libraries, see Appendix
Df of the General Library Manual.
Library forms (i.e., library book cards and
book pockets, etc.) DOD, and standard forms
useful in libraries in the Navy publications and
forms system (Cog 01) or in the GSA stock
system are also listed in Appendix Dg of the
General Library Manual. These forms are pro-
cured in accordance with NAVSUP Pub 2002
series for Navy libraries.
Special library supplies and forms not in
general use (e.g., labels, book repair materials)
are procured from commercial
Hours of Library Operation
library supply
Library operating schedules must include
adequate evening and weekend hours to assure
military personnel access to library collections
and services. However, ships library operating
schedules will vary. Daily, regularly scheduled,
and posted hours are recommended.
Criteria for Library Service
All aspects of library service are designed to
facilitate the use of resources, to remove bar-
riers, to invite use, and to guide reading and
education toward the goals of the individual.
The normal services of the library include the
Well-organized collections of materials,
classified, cataloged, and arranged for con-
venient use.
Loan of materials and interlibrary loan
arrangements as required.
Information services designed to locate
facts as needed,
Guidance to individuals in the use of
reference, professional, educational, and recrea-
tional material.
Assistance to the command and to
military community organizations in locating
and using materials for professional develop-
ment, program planning, and other organiza-
tional needs and projects.