Stimulation of use and interpretation of
materials through publicity; display; reading
lists; book talks; book, music, and film discus-
sions; etc., either in the library or at meetings of
shipboard organizations.
Provision of bibliographic information
on books and other materials.
Religious Program Specialists must be aware
of how shipboard library operations are funded.
The Navys General Library Program is sup-
ported by NETPDC with centrally managed ap-
propriated funds, and with local appropriated
funds provided by naval activities. Navy shore
activities may not use nonappropriated funds
for any general library purpose, but afloat com-
mands may request waivers from Commanders
in Chief, Atlantic or Pacific Fleets as ap-
propriate, to pay off-duty library attendants
with nonappropriated funds.
Naval general libraries are identified as a
special expenditure item in the command
budget: cost account code 9964 (see N A V -
COMPT Manual 024640). Librarians and
library officers coordinate with fund managers
in preparing local library budget estimates and
justification to be submitted as part of the
normal budgetary requests.
An outline of funding responsibilities for
shipboard libraries is provided in figure 8-19.
Responsibilities of Commanding Officers
for the Procurement of Books and Other
Library Materials
Local funds are needed in some areas of
library collection development. Commanding
officers provide ship general library collections
and facilities as needed to assure sound
programs of off-duty education. The general
librarys function is to provide for reference
needs and for the depth and scope in collections
needed to enrich and extend the learning
BOOKS.Commanding officers are respon-
sible for the development and expansion of
initial shipboard collections. Commanding of-
ficers are supported by NETPDC in this area.
Procurement of books required to provide a
well-rounded general library program which are
not available from NETPDC will be funded
zine and newspaper subscriptions, professional
journals, loose maps, sheet music, art prints,
catalogs, pamphlets, etc., to meet local re-
quirements are procured with local funds.
Religious Program Specialists must under-
stand how and why technical support visits for
shipboard libraries are made. SECNAVINSTS
5070.3 and 5400.14 establish the basic relation-
ship between CNET and commanding officers
of ships where general libraries are located.
Specifically, in the area of material support and
professional guidance, CNET is responsible for
the technical support which is provided directly
to activities, keeping the chain of command in-
formed as appropriate.
Technical support visits are normally made
by naval regional librarians acting as field agents
of CNET. Technical support visits assist com-
mands in areas of library administration and
management, training and use of personnel, col-
lection development, improvement of services
and programs, and similar related purposes.
Technical support visits do not normally
result in written reports. Oral reports and discus-
sions with activity personnel of visit findings
may be followed by memoranda for the record if
there are areas of agreement or concern to be im-
plemented or resolved. Written reports and
memoranda will normally be submitted only to
the visited command and not to commands at
higher echelons, nor to other technical offices,
bureaus, etc., unless very serious problems are
found to exist.
Predeployment Schedule
120 days before deployment:
Schedule an onboard assistance visit from
the naval regional librarian to review the library