materials collections and library operating pro-
cedures, (Naval regional librarians are stationed
at Groton, Norfolk, Charleston (also serves
Mayport), San Diego, San Francisco (also serves
Seattle-Bremerton), and Pearl Harbor.)
Call in all overdue library materials and ar-
range books on shelves in accordance with Naval
General Library Manual (NAVEDTRA 38021).
Assist the naval regional librarian in examin-
ing library collections and determining library
Locally dispose of worn, soiled, obsolete
library materials unfit for reissue.
90-60 days before deployment:
Review magazine collections to ensure that
all subscriptions are being received and checked
in. Report nonreceipt.
Prepare and forward to the Commanding
Officer, Naval Education and Program
Development Center, (Code AG), Pensacola,
FL 32509 via official letter, requests for hard-
bound fiction and nonfiction books. The
regional librarian can assist.
Submit official letter request to the Com-
for paperbound collection replenishment.
Submit requests for audio library materials
If supplies are low, requisition the following
library forms from the nearest Cognizance 01
stocking point in accordance with NAVSUP
Pub 2002 series. Report to NETPDC any prob-
lems in securing library forms.
Book Card (NAVEDTRA 5070/1),
Stock No. 0115-LF4I50-7010.
B o o k - C a r d P o c k e t ( N A V E D T R A
5070/2), Stock No. 0115-LF-050-7022.
Check and requisition needed library office
supply items from GSA supply system. (See Ap-
pendix Df of the Genera! Library Manual.)
To improve the appearance of the library
collection obtain:
(1) Plastic book jacketssee Federal Supply
Schedule, Group 75, Part I, 10-1/2 x 13-1/2
magazine sizeNSN-7510-00-202-9340.
30 days before deployment:
Process and prepare for circulation, library
materials forwarded from the appropriate Naval
Supply Center.
Refer to Appendix A for procedures regard-
ing the establishment of the religious music
Refer to Appendix B for a simplified outline
of basic library procedures. This appendix
Charging books
Receiving books
Shelving and filing
Locating books
Processing new materials
Reserving books
Interlibrary loans