1. To locate a book in the librarys perma-
nent collection, look up its call number in the
card catalog file. All of the catalog cards in this
file give the call numbers of the books they
2. Each catalog card is filed alphabetically in
the card catalog according to the information
given on the top line of the card. Cards with the
books title on the topmost line are called title
cards; cards with the authors name on the top-
most line are called author cards; and cards
with the books subject on the topmost line are
called subject cards.
3, For every bookfiction or nonfiction
the card catalog contains one author card and
one title card. Author cards are filed last name
first, followed by the first name and middle
initial. When title cards are filed, the words
a, a n , and the are ignored if they are
the first word of the title.
4. For most nonfiction books, the card
catalog also contains at least one subject card.
5. If there is no card in the card catalog for a
book that is wanted, the book is not in the
librarys permanent collection. In this case, the
librarian may be able to obtain the book from
another library through an interlibrary loan.
6. When seeking information about books
not in the librarys collection, consult reference
indexes such as the Fiction Catalog, the
Public Library Catalog, or Books in
Print . These indexes and others list most books
alphabetically by author, title, and subject.
New Books
1. When new books for the librarys per-
manent collection arrive, each one is checked
against the packing slip. Preprinted cards that
are received with books supplied through the
Navy distribution system are checked to be cer-
tain the right cards have been sent.
2. A shelf-list card, an author card, and a
title card are prepared in accordance with the
librarians instructions for each fiction and non-
fiction book that is to be cataloged. In addition,
one or more subject cards are prepared for each
nonfiction book.
3. A book card, book-card pocket, and
spine label are then prepared for each book.
4. The book-card pocket is pasted on the
back of the last page, and the book card is
inserted in it.
5. The spine label (bearing the books call
number) is affixed to the spine of the book, and
a plastic protective cover is put on the book.
6. Property of the U.S. Navy is stamped
on the top and front edges of the book pages and
inside the front and back covers. The name and
address of the library are stamped on the book-
card pocket and the title page.
7. The shelf-list file cards are filed in the
shelf-list file by call number in the same order as
the books appear on the shelf.
8. The catalog cards are filed in the card
catalog alphabetically according to the informa-
tion on the topmost line of each card.
9. The book is then shelved according to its
call number.
10. Paperback books that are not going to
be a part of the librarys permanent collection
are simply stamped with Courtesy of your
ships library, share with a shipmate and
Property of U.S. Navy with the name and
address of the library on the inside of the front
and back covers. They are then shelved in the
paperback section.
Other New Materials
1. All other new
newsapaers, audiovisual
materials (magazines,
materials, etc.) have to
be checked against the shipping list when they
2. Various inventorying
methods are usedcard files,
keep a record of all new items
3. Each item is identified
stamp or an accounting label.
and cataloging
ledgers, etc.to
with a property