Advisory role of chaplain, shore commands,
Allotment system, 5-17
ALSCs, Navy Auxiliary Library Service
Collections, 8-24
Altar table, Eastern Orthodox, 3-42
American Red Cross, 5-10
ARCs, Alcohol Rehabilitation Centers, 5-34
Assisting in referrals, 5-6
Audio equipment, 7-34 to 7-43
audio system components, 7-35 to 7-37
amplifiers, 7-36
loudspeakers, 7-36 to 7-37
microphones, 7-35
audio tape recorder, 7-37 to 7-43
Audiovisual aids, 7-4 to 7-11
nonprojected aids, 7-4 to 7-6
other aids, 7-8
projected aids, 7-6 to 7-8
selection and use of AV aids, 7-8 to 7-11
Audiovisual equipment, presentation support,
7-13 to 7-15
Audiovisual media, religious materials, 6-19
to 6-25
Baptism, Christian rite of, 3-71 to 3-75
Beliefs and teachings, 2-27, 2-48, 2-83, 2-89
to 2-91
Buddhism, 2-83
Christian, 2-27
Hinduism, 2-89 to 2-91
Islam, 2-69 to 2-72
Judaism, 2-48
Black Hebrew Israelite Nation, branches of
Judaism, 2-46
Buddhism, 2-79 to 2-86
basic beliefs and teachings, 2-83
branches, 2-80
historical background, 2-79
literature, 2-84
organizational structure, 2-80
origin in America, 2-80
other practices or restrictions, 2-85
religious holy days and festivals, 2-84
worship requirements, 2-80 to 2-83
Burials at sea, 4-15 to 4-19
consignment of the remains to the ship,
4-15 to 4-16
documents required, 4-16
duties of the RP, 4-19
preparation for the burial at sea service,
4-17 to 4-19
a guide to the burial service, 4-18
to 4-19
receipt of remains shipboard, 4-16
references, 4-19
CAACs, Counseling and Assistance Centers,
5-33 to 5-34
CACP, Casualty Assistance Calls Program,
5-10 to 5-11
Calendars, church, 2-28 to 2-31, 2-50, 2-72,
Gregorian, Christian, 2-28
Hindu, 2-92
Islamic, 2-72
Jewish, 2-50
liturgical year, Christian, 2-28 to 2-31