1. Shelve fiction books in the appropriate
subsection of the fiction section according to the
letters on the top line of their call numbers.
Shelve books with an M in the mystery
subsection, those with W in the western
subsection, those with SF in the science fic-
tion subsection, and those with an F in the
general fiction subsection.
2. Shelve books in each fiction subsection
alphabetically from left to right by the three
letters on the bottom of their call numbers,
which are the first three letters of the authors
last names.
3. If two or more books in the same fiction
subsection have the same letters in the bottom
line of their call numbers, shelve them according
to the rest of the letters of the authors names,
starting with the letters of the last names, then
the first names, and finally the middle names or
4. If two or more books in the same fiction
subsection are written by the same author,
shelve them alphabetically by title. Ignore the
words a, an, and
of titles.
1. Shelve books in
the at the beginning
the nonfiction section
from left to right in numerical order by the
Dewey decimal classification number in the top
line of their call numbers.
2. If two or more books have the same
Dewey decimal classification, shelve them
alphabetically by the three letters in the bottom
line of their call numbers, which are the first
three letters of the authors last names.
3. If two or more books have the same
Dewey decimal classification number and the
same three letters on the bottom line of their call
numbers, shelve them according to the rest of
the letters of the authors names, starting with
the letters of the last names, then the first
names, and final] y the middle names or initials.
4. If two or more books with the same call
number are written by the same author, shelve
them alphabetically by title. Ignore the words
a an, and the at the beginning of titles.
References and Desk References
1. Shelve books marked R or REF in
the reference section, according to their call
2. Shelve books marked DESK REF or
DESK REFERENCE in the area set aside for
them, according to their call numbers.
Paperback Books
1. Quality paperback books with call num-
bers which were received with the monthly cloth-
bound distribution should be shelved in the same
way that hardback books are shelved, according
to their call numbers in the fiction, nonfiction,
or reference section as the case may be.
2. Shelve mass market paperbacks without
call numbers in the paperback section. (In most
libraries, they need not be shelved in any par-
ticular order.)
Filing Material in the Pamphlet File
1. File pamphlets alphabetically by title in
pamphlet file folders, unless a subject has been
written on the cover. In the latter case, file the
pamphlet alphabetically according to the subject
2. File folders with photographs, clippings,
and the like alphabetically according to the sub-
ject on the file folder.
Arrange periodicals neatly so that their titles
can be seen without the need to shuffle them
Audiovisual Materials
Follow your local library procedures for
arranging and storing audiovisual material.
Since such collections vary from one library to
another, methods also vary.