Ships Library Location
Where options are available, the following
requirements should be met:
(1) Locate the library as far as possible from
areas having high noise levels, such as machinery
spaces, galleys, directly under flight decks, etc.
(2) Ships library should not be adjacent to
heat-producing spaces such as uptakes and
(3) The library should be located for con-
venient access by all the crew, preferably near
ships store and other personal services areas.
(4) Library locations not too far forward
or aft amidship are preferred to minimize the
effects of ship motion.
Internal Arrangement of the Library
The following factors should be considered
in planning the library layout:
S E A T O R I E N T A T I O N . F o r s m a l l ,
unstabilized ships having pronounced rolling
tendencies, seats should be oriented so that per-
sonnel face forward or aft. On large ships; i.e.,
tenders, aircraft carriers, seat orientation is
should face forward or aft to lessen the tendency
for books to be ejected by roll.
CIRCULATION DESK.The library at-
tendants desk should be placed at the librarys
entrance and should allow a view of as much of
the library as feasible.
WORK AREA.A closed-off area with
small worktable, supply cabinet, etc., should be
provided for the book processing, etc.
Technical Requirements
Library air-conditioning, ventilation, hu-
midity, the lighting system, and noise and vi-
bration levels must conform to standards
specified in OPNAVINST 9330,5 series, Envi-
ronmental Control Standards; NAVSEA Pub
0964-000-2000, Lighting on Naval Ships; and
NAVSHIPS 0902-001-5000, General Specifica-
tions for Ships of the U.S. Navy.
Furnishings and materials used in outfitting
ships libraries must conform to military stand-
ards approved for the safety of combustible hab-
itability materials. See the list of acceptable
materials for habitability improvements, Ap-
pendix 1 to NAVSHIPS Pub 0900-007-8010,
Hab Hints; NAVSEA 0929-002-7010, Ship-
board Color Coordination Guidance Manual;
and NAVSEA 0933-LP-005-5050, Shipboard
Furniture Catalog.
Suspended ceilings should be provided in the
library and bulkhead sheathing in areas not
covered by bookshelves. Sheathing and ceiling
must conform to NAVSHIPS 0902-001-5000,
General Specifications for Ships of the U.S.
Considerations of color dynamics and color
coordination should be met as indicated in OP-
NAVINST 9330.5 series. Color schemes should
be selected from NAVSHIPS Pub 0978-000-
1000, NAVSHIPS Pub 0933-008-0010 (for sub-
marines), and NAVSEA 0929-002-7010, U.S.
Navy Shipboard Color Coordination Guidance
Manual. Also adequate security for library
collections and equipment should be pro-
Ships Library Equipment and
Carpeting of acceptable safety material
(MILSTANDARD 1623) should be installed in
the library. Curtains and draperies of acceptable
safety material are decorative, dampen noise,
and should be selected as part of the color
dynamics scheme of the library. Library shelv-
ing, adjustable vertically, should be 8 to 10
deep, with some 12 shelves for oversized books.
No unsupported span of shelves should be over 3
feet long. A list of equipment useful in ships
libraries is given in Appendix Dg of the General
Library Manual.
Library Planning Assistance
Design offices at most naval shipyards and
regional offices are available for consultation.