Loan periods are normally 30 days from the
date of receipt of books by borrowers. Renewals
may be requested and will be granted if other
requests for the books are not on file. Requests
for renewal should reach the ALSC prior to the
expiration of the loan period. Borrowers are
responsible for the care of materials, for their
safe return, and for the reimbursement of the
Government for lost, damaged, or destroyed
Religious Program Specialists must be able
to manage shipboard library resources effec-
tively. Effective library resource management
can achieve maximum utilization of library
spaces, equipment, facilities, collections, staff,
and funds in military situations where change is
a constant factor. Planning at all levels for
library development should reflect both short-
and long-range objectives, budget cycles,
changes in activity mission and logistic support
departmental-wide programs,
and advances in professional library technology,
materials, and services.
Management Records
To ensure the effective use of library staff, to
assist in establishing library program priorities,
and in developing library collections and serv-
ices, reliable data are required for the analysis
and evaluation of library functions and internal
controls. Such data should be current and
available for required management reports.
Commands afloat are encouraged to require
regular management reports on operations and
use of ship general libraries. Regional librarians
assist in establishing necessary reports, records,
and files, Basic simplified records and files for
library operations and for managing library
resources include:
Catalogs and inventory lists of library
materials in the collection (see Chapter 9 of the
General Library Manual).
Card shelf list of library materials (hard-
bound books, audiovisual materials) consti-
tuting the official inventory record of a library
Circulation records for library materials.
Records of magazines and newspapers
ordered and received.
Copies of Naval General Library Manual
(NAVEDTRA 38021), and a file of the Naval
General Library Services News Memorandum.
Files of technical guidance visit reports
and other correspondence from the naval
regional librarian, CNET, and NETPDC.
Copies of stock and special order
requests for library materials.
Local ships library directive.
The library officer and the RP have a major
role in the development of attractive, functional
library facilities. Assistance in this area may be
provided by naval regional librarians.
The library should provide secure facilities
for the librarys collections, adequate space for
processing and administering the librarys
and pleasant and comfortable
seating, study, listening, and viewing areas for
library users.
Shipboard Libraries
The importance of libraries aboard ships has
been officially recognized since the early 1800s.
Today, the Department of the Navy through
habitability baseline criteria for all new ship
designs and for major ship conversions and
through habitability improvement programs to
upgrade library facilities on existing ships is
establishing guides for the physical layout and
equipping of shipboard libraries. The intent is to
encourage better use of available space and to
promote the library as a multimedia learning