Pastoral counseling, shore commands, 1-16
Personal and family enrichment, 5-15 to
Personal and family resource management,
5-16 to 5-32
allotment system, 5-17
financial management, 5-17 to 5-25
categories of financial assistance
covered by Navy Relief policies,
5-20 to 5-23
command career counselor, 5-25
Consumer Credit Counselors, Inc.,
credit unions, 5-25
Household Goods Shipping Office,
Housing Referral Office, 5-25
Navy legal service, 5-23 to 5-25
Navy Relief Society, 5-19 to 5-20
official categories of retired personnel,
5-26 to 5-27
organizations which can assist retired
members, 5-27 to 5-29
other agencies and programs which can
assist retired members, 5-29 to 5-32
retirement and aging, 5-26
PET, Parent Effectiveness Training, 5-15
Physical security of CRP facilities, 3-81
(POD/POW), 6-16
Portable Lee altar, 3-15 to 3-17
Presbyterian, 2-20, 2-26
background, 2-20
worship requirements, 2-26
Presentations, 7-1 to 7-43
audio equipment, 7-34 to 7-43
audio system components, 7-35 to
audio tape recorder, 7-37 to 7-43
audiovisual aids, 7-4 to 7-11
nonprojected aids, 7-4 to 7-6
other aids, 7-8
projected aids, 7-6 to 7-8
selection and use of AV aids, 7-8 to
presentation support, 7-11 to 7-16
audiovisual equipment 7-13 to 7-15
final preparation, 7-15
presentation supportContinued
other responsibilities, 7-15 to 7-16
preparation of facilities, 7-11 to 7-13
projection equipment, 7-16 to 7-34
motion picture projectors, 7-25 to
still picture projectors, 7-16 to 7-25
religious education presentations, 7-1 to
7 - 4
learning process, the, 7-1
teaching procedure, 7-2 to 7-4
Processing procedures, simplified, shipboard
general library, 8-13 to 8-21
clothbound and quality paperbacks, 8-14
to 8-21
mass market paperback, 8-14
supplies, 8-13
Procurement and care of ecclesiastical litur-
gical, and field equipment and supplies, 3-75
to 3-81
Projection equipment, 7-16 to 7-34
motion picture projectors, 7-25 to 7-34
still picture projectors, 7-16 to 7-25
Prosthesis, table of oblation, Eastern
Orthodox, 3-43 to 3-46
Protestant chaplains combat kit, type II, 3-21
to 3-24
Protestant divine services, preparation for,
3-49 to 3-60
chancel arrangements, 3-49 to 3-52
communion services, 3-52 to 3-57
vestments, 3-24, 3-57 to 3-60
Publicity within a Command Religious
Program, 6-1 to 6-7
determining requirements, 6-2
future file, 6-2
publicity media, 6-3 to 6-7
evaluating religious program pub-
licity, 6-6 to 6-7
standard Navy news release, 6-3 to
Rapid communication, separation and deploy-
ment, 5-11
emergency, 5-11
Reasssignment for humanitarian or hardship
reasons, procedures for requesting, 5-7