Magazines, religious materials, 6-18
Materials, religious program, 6-7 to 6-25
Military chapels ashore, 1-17
Military funerals, state, official and special,
4-4 to 4-7
Motion picture projectors, 7-25 to 7-34
NADAP, Navy Alcohol and Drug Abuse
Program, 5-33 to 5-39
ARCs, 5-34
CAACs, 5-33 to 5-34
community health program, 5-38
HRMCs and HRMDs, 5-34
key persons, 5-35 to 5-37
NASAP, 5-37
NDRC, 5-34
other programs, 5-37
USHBP and CHAMPUS Programs, 5-38
VA Program, 5-37
voluntary programs, 5-39
NASAP, Navy Alcohol Safety Action
Program, 5-37
Naval funerals and chapel weddings, 4-1 to
burials at sea, 4-15 to 4-19
consignment of the remains to the
ship, 4-15 to 4-16
duties of the RP, 4-19
preparation for the burial at sea
service, 4-17 to 4-19
receipt of remains shipboard, 4-16
references, 4-19
chapel weddings, 4-19 to 4-36
Christian rites, 4-33 to 4-35
Jewish rites, 4-35
planning, 4-20 to 4-32
Religious Program Specialist, 4-36
religious rites, 4-32
duties of the RP, 4-14 to 4-15
general information, 4-14 to 4-15
naval funerals, 4-7
dependent, 4-7
full honor, 4-7
simple honor, 4-7
Naval funerals and chapel weddings
religious service, 4-7 to 4-14
graveside service only, 4-14
military funeral with chapel service,
4-7 to 4-14
military funeral without chapel
service, 4-14
state, official, and special military
funerals, 4-4 to 4-7
Navy Family Support Program, 5-9
Navy legal service, 5-23 to 5-25
Navy news release, standard, 6-3 to 6-6
Navy Relief Society, financial management,
5-19 to 5-23
categories of financial assistance covered
by Navy Relief policies, 5-20 to 5-23
NDRC, Navy Drug Rehabilitation Center, 5-34
Non-Judeo and non-Christian religious
requirements, 3-69 to 3-70
requirements, 3-69
support functions, 3-69 to 3-70
Organizations which can assist retired
members, 5-27 to 5-32
Administration on Aging (AOA), 5-29
direct services to the elderly, 5-31
Headquarters Marine Corps, 5-27 to 5-28
Marine Corps Finance Center, 5-29
Marine Corps Reserve Forces Activity,
medical benefits available through the
VA, 5-31
Medicare and Medicaid, 5-30
National Organization for Older People,
Naval Military Personnel Command, 5-27
Naval Reserve Personnel Center, 5-28
Navy Finance Center, 5-29
nursing homes for the elderly, 5-32
nutrition programs for the elderly, 5-32
RAOs, Retired Affairs Offices, 5-27
Social Security Program, 5-30
United States Naval Home, 5-28
VA Home, 5-31
Veterans Administration (VA), 5-30
Orthodox Judaism, 2-44 to 2-45