Weddings, chapelContinued
Religious Program Specialist, 4-36
religious rites, 4-32
Welcome aboard packets, 6-12
Worship bulletins, 6-7 to 6-12
Worship requirements, 2-23 to 2-26, 2-47 to
2-48, 2-68 to 2-49, 2-80 to 2-83, 2-89
Buddhism, 2-80 to 2-83
Christian groups, 2-23 to 2-26
Anglican (Episcopal), 2-25
Eastern Orthodox, 2-24
free church, 2-26
Lutheran, 2-25
Presbyterian and Reformed, 2-26
Roman Catholic, 2-25
Hinduism, 2-89
Islam, 2-68 to 2-69
Judaism, 2-47 to 2-48
Worship support functions, 3-1 to 3-81
custodial services for CRP facilities, 3-81
non-Judeo and non-Christian religious
requirements, 3-69 to 3-70
physical security of CRP facilities, 3-81
preparation for divine services ashore,
3-32 to 3-69
Eastern Orthodox, 3-40 to 3-48
Jewish, 3-33 to 3-39
nonsectarian assignment of the chapel
facility, 3-32
Worship support functions-Continued
preparation for divine services ashore
Protestant, 3-49 to 3-60
Roman Catholic, 3-61 to 3-69
procurement and care of ecclesiastical,
liturgical, and field equipment and
supplies, 3-75 to 3-81
religious rites, 3-71 to 3-75
Christian rite of baptism, 3-71 to 3-75
Jewish rite of circumcision, 3-71
use of Command Religious Program
(CRP) facilities, 3-2 to 3-31
CRP facilities ashore, afloat, and in
the field, 3-6 to 3-13
field and shipboard ecclesiastical
equipment, 3-13 to 3-31
policies and procedures relating to the
use of CRP facilities and equip-
ment, 3-3 to 3-6
scheduling CRP activities, 3-2
Yeoman Chaplains Professional Assistant,
history of RP rating, 1-8 to 1-9