Construction Battalion (CB) units, Ecclesiastical equipment within this
category may include:
A portable Lee style aluminum altar
(Roman) Catholic chaplains combat kit
Protestant chaplains combat kit
Jewish chaplains field kit
(Roman) Catholic and Protestant chaplains field kits
Field worship aid kit (under development)
Additional supplies and equipment which may be required by the
chaplain may be acquired through normal Navy and Marine Corps supply
channels. Additional equipment which may be required may be placed in
mount-out boxes and kept ready for you and the chaplains you support
whenever you are embarking aboard ship with FMF units. The necessity for
you to anticipate, order, and receive needed ecclesiastical and administrative
materials which will be required during deployment cannot be overempha-
sized. Material that will be needed for holy days and other days or periods of
religious significance which will occur during deployment should also be
taken into account.
The Portable Lee Field Altar
The portable altar (figure 3-8) is used in conducting worship services
under field/combat conditions using the chaplains combat kit (Protestant or
Roman Catholic), or the chaplains field kit (Jewish).
The portable altar is made of aluminum. Unfolded it measures
39 x 60 x 24 inches. When folded it is 24 x 3-1/2 x 30 inches and is placed
in a canvas case,
A linen package, contained in a canvas pouch, is folded into the center of
the altar when stored. When the altar is assembled for use, the linens are
removed from the pouch, It contains one frontal (liturgically colored) which
has no denominational symbolism. The frontal covers the front of the altar
and is held in place by a row of snap fasteners along the back edge of the
altar and two tapes which tie around the front legs. In addition to the
frontal, there is an altar cloth (white) used to cover the top of the altar. The
frontal is snapped on and the white linen placed over it. The altar appoint-
ments are then arranged on this surface. The altar frontal must be dry-
cleaned. The altar cloth may be laundered.
should be erected in the following manner:
1. Remove the portable altar from its carrying case.