2. Ensure that sufficient towels are available for use by each candidate
after immersion.
3. Place a Bible so that the chaplain can read from it while standing in
the baptistry/pool.
4. Provide a baptismal gown (weighted alblike garment) for each
5. Fill the baptistry or pool with warm water to the depth desired by the
6. Empty the baptistry/pool after the service and clean thoroughly.
These procedures are for baptism in a baptistry or baptismal pool.
However, if a baptistry or baptismal pool is not available, baptism by
immersion may be performed in any body of water (river, lake, swimming
pool, etc.) large enough to completely submerge the candidate. Preparations
for this type of service will be similar to the above, but must be planned to fit
each occasion.
CARE OF BAPTISMAL POOLS.Generally speaking, baptismal pools
have the same significance as fonts and require the same degree of concern in
terms of cleaning and maintenance.
Most baptismal pools are made of metal finishes. It is not normally
essential to polish the finish of a pool. It is necessary to wash the inside of the
pool with a detergent and a brush to remove any film that may accumu-
The pool should always be left empty when not in use to prevent water
marks and rings from forming on the sides. Always dry the pool completely
after cleaning.
The pool should be rinsed and cleaned on a routine basis even during long
periods when it is not in use.
Most of the equipment and supplies used by the Command Religious
Program ashore and aboard ship will be stored in an ecclesiastical gear
locker. Ashore, this locker is commonly referred to by many chaplains as the
sacristy or vestry. In the field, you will be dependent upon the chaplains
field kits and mount-out boxes for storage of ecclesiastical equipment and
supplies. Storage areas must be clean, dry places which are easily accessible.
All items kept in an ecclesiastical gear locker, field kits, or mount-out boxes
are for use during worship services. Items which are used for worship services
should always be cleaned, if practicable, prior to being returned for storage.