The best method for removing wax from wood (altar railing, pulpit,
pews, etc.) is to gently rub the area with a plastic scratch pad until the wax is
removed. Again, care must be taken not to rub hard since soft woods scar
easily and the finish may be damaged. The warm iron method maybe used as
outlined for cloth, but exercise extreme care since light woods will show
burns easily.
concerning disposal or storage of excess communion elements and cleaning
communion ware vary according to denominational requirements and
chaplains preferences. Consult with your chaplains regarding their require-
ments for handling communion ware and communion elements. Since tradi-
tions vary among religious bodies, you should retain specific instructions
provided by each chaplain for whom you provide support. It is vital that you
understand your chaplains requirements in this regard and that you follow
instructions carefully.
Although Jewish personnel do not practice communion, they do use wine
and a kiddush cup in their services. You should seek instructions for the
proper handling, cleaning, and storage of these items. Again, there are
differences among rabbis and layleaders and you must know what your rabbi
or layleader desires.
Communion ware and elements will normally be stored in the sacristy.
The individual cup set should be stored with trays stacked and with the cover
on to keep the cups dust-free. Other communion ware should be kept in a
cabinet and covered with a cloth to protect them from dust.
are several different kinds of cups which maybe used with the individual cup
set. Many chapels now use inexpensive disposable cups. This makes cleaning
up an easy task. The used cups are simply collected and thrown away. Glass
and plastic cups are also used. Since these are more expensive you should
account for them. Accounting for them will also make certain that none are
left in the chapel. Take the trays to the sink and wash them as soon as
possible so that the juice does not have time to dry in the cups. Prepare warm
soapy water for cups and trays. Remove cups from trays and wash and rinse
both. Special care must be used with glass cups so that they will not chip or
break. A plastic dishpan in the sink or a rubber mat in the bottom of the sink
will usually keep the glasses from breaking on the hard sink. Do not place
too many glass cups in the sink at once. You may dry the cups with a clean
towel or simply permit the cups to drain dry. The trays should be towel dried
to prevent water spotting. A device is available which fastens on top of the
tray and holds all the glasses in the tray while you wash and rinse a whole tray
at once.
Never attempt to wash any kind of individual communion cup in an
electric dishwasher as this may result in broken or melted cups in the bottom
of the dishwasher.
MENTS.Orthodox, Roman Catholic, and some Protestant faith groups
believe that the communion elements (bread and wine) become the actual
body and blood of Christ when consecrated during Eucharistic services and,