Services for Children, Families and Single
(Marriage in Overseas Commands
BUPERSINST 1752 series)
(Family Advocacy Program BUMED-
INST 6320.57 series)
(Navy Youth Programs OPNAVINST
5760 series)
(Assignment of Personnel with Depend-
ents Requiring Access to Specialized
Medical or Educational Facilities
OPNAVINST 1300.9 series)
Retirement and Aging
(Navy Guide for Retired Personnel and
Their Families NAVPERS 15891E)
(Survivor Benefit Plan for Retired
Members of the Uniformed Services,
NAVEDTRA 46605C, Revised 1979)
(Disability Separation NAVEDTRA
46601 series)
Personal and Family Resource Manage-
(Garnishment of Pay of Naval Military
and Civilian Personnel for Collection of
Child Support and Alimony SECNAV-
INST 7200.16)
(Waiver of Indebtedness or Erroneous
Payments Made to or on Behalf of
Members and Former Members of the
Naval Service, SECNAVINST 7220.38D)
Alcoholism and Drug Abuse
(Alcoholism and Alcohol Abuse Among
Navy Personnel, OPNAVINST 6330.1)
(Drug Abuse SECNAVINST 5355.1A)
These and other related references can be of
assistance to the chaplain in providing current
information in various areas. The RP should
also attempt to obtain pamphlets and handouts
which address these issues. These pamphlets and
handouts may be given to persons seeking such
After counseling, the chaplain may decide
that a referral to another service, agency, or
organization is the best course of action. (The
RP should always bear in mind that counseling
and initiating referrals are functions of the
chaplain.) At that time, the chaplain will be able
to obtain current information in regard to the
best source or sources of help for a particular
client from the information contained in the
I&R Directory. After the chaplain has selected
the best resource agency or agencies for the per-
son, the RP can provide the counselee with any
additional information required or specified by
the chaplain, thus freeing the chaplain to assist
other persons who may still be waiting.
When assisting the chaplain with a referral,
the RP should avoid making specific commit-
ments concerning what an agency will do for a
specific client. Exact services which can be pro-
vided are best determined by the agency to which
the chaplains client is referred.
In assisting the chaplain, the RP must ensure
that personnel who are being referred to another
source of assistance know where they are to go
and what services or assistance they are likely to
receive. The RP should provide these individuals
Location, telephone number, and name
of a contact person who can be reached at the
resource agency.
The name and telephone number of the
chaplain making the referral in the event of any
When requested to do so by the chaplain, the
RP may contact the resource agency to help
facilitate a clients referral. The RP should
always keep the persons telephone number in
order to provide a means of followup unless
otherwise directed by the chaplain. When
directed by the chaplain, the RP should provide
followup information to ensure that the individ-
uals needs have been met. If the chaplain has
indicated that a person should request a humani-
tarian reassignment or discharge, the RP should