also receive counseling and referral assistance
from Navy chaplains throughout the world. If
the chaplain is unable to offer all of the
assistance or services required, an effort
is made to refer the person to someone else who
can provide the necessary service or assist-
An Information and Referral (I&R) Direc-
tory is developed to provide an accurate, up-to-
date reference for the chaplain of all the
resources available in the local and the military
It is the duty of Religious Program
Specialists to compile and maintain the I&R
Directory. Setting up the I&R Directory and
keeping it current is a continuous task. The RP
must also perform many other functions in sup-
port of the chaplain in this area. These functions
Receiving visitors and telephone calls
Scheduling appointments
Maintaining confidentiality of privi-
leged communication and personal
Screening Enlisted Service Records
Maintaining the Ecclesiastical Reference
Assisting in referrals
Advising members on policies and pro-
cedures regarding humanitarian
reassignment or discharge
During the course of any given day, the
office of the chaplain may receive many visitors
and telephone calls. The RP will be acting as
the office receptionist, and will usually be the
first one to admit visitors and receive telephone
calls. The RP should be cordial and polite to all
visitors and try to provide a pleasant, receptive
atmosphere for those people who are waiting to
see the chaplain. The RP must be able to solicit
the information required from a visitor or a
caller to determine whether they are seeking
general information or counseling from the
chaplain. If a person is seeking only general
information, the RP should provide this infor-
mation if at all possible. Persons who are seek-
ing counseling or other forms of assistance
should be asked to make an appointment with
the chaplain. If an appointment is desired,
the RP should coordinate these requests with
the appropriate chaplain and schedule them
accordingly. An appointment should be made as
timely as possible.
The chaplain will normally need some basic
background information from persons request-
ing appointments. This information should be
obtained by the RP when the person asks to see
the chaplain. The RP should take great care to
ensure that the provisions of SECNAVINST
5211.5B which deal with the personal privacy
and rights of individuals are strictly adhered to
when obtaining any personal identifying infor-
mation for the chaplain. The information that
should be obtained will vary according to the
needs of the individual chaplain but as a
minimum should include the following items:
Full name of the visitor
Rank, rate, or dependency status of the
Activity to which the visitor or the
visitors sponsor is assigned, if applicable
Complete work address and telephone
The confidentiality of all personal informa-
tion obtained by RPs for the chaplain must be