Military Funeral Without
Chapel Service
When the funeral is without chapel service,
the escort usually forms at or near the entrance
to the cemetery. The officer in charge supervises
the transfer of the casket from the hearse to the
caisson (full honor) or makes provision for the
hearse (simple honor) to be included in the pro-
cession, from the point of origin to the grave-
When honorary pallbearers are present, they
form in a single line facing the caisson or
hearse. Their order of march is the same as
described in the Military Funeral with Chapel
Services. While the casket is being transferred,
the escort is brought to Present, ARMS, the
band plays appropriate music, and the honorary
pallbearers uncover or salute as appropriate.
The family and friends remain in their cars
during the transfer of the casket. The funeral
procession then forms and proceeds, as directed
by the officer in charge, for the graveside serv-
Graveside Service Only
The military elements (chaplain, body
bearers, firing squad, and bugler) participating
in a graveside service are in position before
the arrival of the body. The procedure for the
graveside service is basically the same as for all
military funerals.
Upon the conclusion of the religious service,
the leader of the firing squad gives the appro-
priate orders for the firing of three volleys
and the bugler sounds Taps immediately
upon completion of the last volley. The senior
body bearer gives the order to march off after
the flag has been presented to the next of kin.
The duties of the RP will vary according to
the type of funeralfull honor, simple honor,
or dependent; and the type of religious service
with chapel service, without chapel service, or
with graveside service only, if a religious service
is to be conducted.
Duties will also vary according to the com-
mand at which the RP is assigned and the desires
of the command chaplain; however, the duties
of the RP will generally be as follows:
Coordinate the schedule of the chaplain
who is conducting the funeral service.
Coordinate the efforts of the chaplain
with those of the funeral director and the officer
in charge.
Initiate the necessary actions preparatory
to the use of the chapel and the chapel staff in
support of a military funeral in accordance with
local instructions.
Ensure the cleanliness and good order of
the chapel and its associated items prior to and
following the funeral.
Lay out and restow the chaplains vest-
ments and any other items needed for the fu-
neral service.
Reserve pews for the immediate family
and official participants for the funeral service
in the chapel.
Ensure the correct altar setting, if any,
and ensure the proper placement of the bier for
receipt of the casket.
Position the funeral bier during the
ceremony as requested by the chaplain.
Perform other related duties as required
by the chaplain.
General Information
The RF should obtain the following infor-
mation in order to schedule and coordinate the
chapel facilities and the staff used to support the
religious and military aspects of a Navy funeral:
Name, grade, SSN, and religious pref-
erence, if any, of the deceased member.