Air Force A-V:
for a catalog listing the (RE) materials available
from that source.
LOG.Thls catalog was published and distri-
buted in the fall of 1978. All films purchased by
the Department of Defense prior to the summer
of 1978 are included in this catalog. All
audiovisuals, films, slides, filmstrips, video-
cassettes, of the Army, Navy, and Air Force
are available at the following distribution
DNDepartment of the Navy
Naval StationBldg. W313
Norfolk, VA 23511
AUTOVON 690-3013
Fleet Post Office Bldg. 110
San Diego, CA 92132
AUTOVON 933-8895
Training Support Center
Marine Corps Base
Camp Smedley D. Butler, Okinawa
FPO, Seattle 98773
Requests for Army and Air Force audio-
visuals can be directed to the Army and Air
Force Military Department Audiovisual
Products Library closest to the duty station.
Information re:
Army A-V:
Army Department Pamphlet 108-1
DA-Department of the Army
Training Support
Training Support Detail
Tobyhanna, PA 18466
AUTOVON: 247-9927
Air Force Manual 95-2
DF-Department of the Air Force
Norton Air Force Base, CA
AUTOVON: 876-2475
Navy A-V
DN-Naval Audiovisual Center
Naval Station
Washington, DC 20374
AUTOVON: 288-4167
Requests should be directed to the appro-
priate sponsor/distributor service center by
phone, memo, or the request form which is
included in the Program Support Guide,
NAVPERS 15992 series.
All Religious Program Support audiovisuals
are divided into broad categories.
categories are identified as follows:
B. Behavioral and Social Sciences
12. Religion and Philosophy
12.1 Bible
12.2 Chaplain Duties
12.3 Family Couseling
12.4 Marriage Counseling
12.5 Moral Development
12.6 Religious Practice
12.61 Catholic
12.62 Jewish
12.63 Protestant
Films and filmstrips for use in Navy and
Marine Corps religious programs are funded
through the Office of the Chief of Chaplains.
New films are reviewed on a continuing basis,
and those selected are purchased and placed in
the Navys film system.
The selected films and filmstrips are placed
in the training aids libraries as listed in the
Program Support Guide, NAVPERS 15992