Stars and Stripes
Stars and Stripes is a daily newspaper
published for the overseas military community.
It supplements information provided by ship
and station newspapers overseas and is pub-
lished in Pacific and European editions for
military personnel and their dependents, and
Department of Defense civilian employees. Stars
and Stripes publishes regional and area news
events. It is also used as a forum for news
releases by chaplains deployed in its publishing
area. RPs should submit information and news
items provided by chaplains to the PAO for
release to Stars and Stripes.
Special religious program activities or events
which occur on board a ship or station and
which are newsworthy should be released to
local newspapers. Standard Navy news releases
are often used by civilian newspapers.
Magazines have many advantages as infor-
mation media for chaplains. They often reach a
larger audience than newspapers and have the
advantage of longer life. Whereas newspapers
are often quickly discarded, magazines may be
retained and reread. Another advantage of the
magazine medium for chaplains is that the
material for magazines is normally written more
in depth. A story concerning Navy religious pro-
gram activities in a newspaper, radio, or TV spot
may present only the bare facts, whereas a
magazine article can give details, color, and
additional background information. Articles
concerning religious programs and activities may
be submitted to the following publications:
All Hands magazine
Leatherneck magazine
HQMC Hotline
Navy Chaplains Bulletin
Any internal publication which can be
used to reach the chaplains target au-
Navy Times
Directories and Guides
Directories and guides provide an oppor-
tunity to publish a list and description of the
installations religious programs. Color
photographs of religious program facilities are
often used in these publications. Such publica-
tions are frequently published by civilian firms
in locations containing large Navy and Marine
Corps complexes such as San Diego and
Religious Publications
Religious publications frequently publish
news about the religious activities of military
chaplains and other service members. Religious
publications are interested in news items con-
cerning shipboard religious activities and the
religious ministries provided by Navy chaplains
to Navy Seabee and Marine Corps units in the
field. Religious Program Specialists should try
to provide the Office of the Chief of Chaplains
with any pictures, news items, and articles per-
taining to religious ministry in the sea services
that are newsworthy. The Office of the Chief of
Chaplains serves as the Navy Department liaison
with American churches and the church press,
which have a continuing need for items of
interest to the general public.
Publicity information concerning religious
program activities and events, when appro-
priate, may be placed in areas where people
meet, such as the commissary, exchange, and
other personnel support areas.
One of the best ways to boost morale of
family members is to keep them informed, and
one of the best ways to accomplish this task is
the familygram. Familygrams, although not easy