Figure 3-49.-The proper placement of the altar candles, the sacramentary, and the veiled
chalice on the altar for Mass.
Sacramentary and the Lectionary. The Sacramentary (figure 3-49), which is a book of prayers,
is often referred to as the altar missal and is placed on the left side of the altar on a missal
stand for Mass. The Lectionary, which is a book of readings, containing epistles and gospels.
Selections are read from the Lectionary from the pulpit during Mass.
THE CHALICE. The chalice (see figure 3-50) is used by the priest to mix the water and
wine which become sacred elements during the Mass. The chalice should be prepared for Mass
on the freestanding altar in the following manner:
1. Place the chalice on the corporal cloth (see Eucharistic linens). The crosses on the
chalice and on the corporal cloth (see Eucharistic linens) should face the priest.
2. Place the purificator over the chalice. It should be pressed down into the center of the
3. Place the chalice paten over the rim of the chalice.