the same date, the Eastern always follows the Western. The dates of the two
Easters through the year 1987 are as follows:
8 May
3 April
22 April
22 April
14 April
7 April
4 May
30 March
19 April
19 April
* Ascension DayThe Ascension of Jesus took place in the presence of
His apostles 40 days after His Resurrection. It is believed to have occurred on
Mount Olivet in Bethany.
* Pentecost (Whitsunday)This day commemorates the coming of the
Holy Spirit upon the apostles 50 days after the Resurrection. Whitsunday
is believed to have come from white Sunday when, among the English,
white robes were worn by those baptized on this day.
Feast of the AssumptionAugust 15The principal feast of the
Blessed Virgin, this holy day for Roman Catholics commemorates two
events: the happy departure of Mary from this life and the assumption of her
body into heaven.
Reformation DayOctober 31The date that is regarded as the
beginning of the Protestant Reformation, observed in many Protestant
All Saints DayNovember 1This is a Roman Catholic and
Anglican holiday celebrating all saints, known and unknown.
* First Sunday in AdventAdvent is the season in which the faithful
must prepare themselves for the birth of the Savior on Christmas. The four
Sundays before Christmas are marked by special services in many churches.
Feast of the Immaculate ConceptionDecember 8A Roman
Catholic Holy Day of Obligation celebrating Marys privilege of freedom
from sin from the first moment of her conception as the child of
Saint Joachim and Saint Anne.
Christmas (Feast of the Nativity)December 25The most widely
celebrated holiday of the Christian year, Christmas is observed as the
anniversary of the birth of Jesus.
Eastern Orthodox churches celebrate Christmas on January 7th.