may call the service Communion, the Lords Supper, or the Eucharist. Most Protestant
chaplains will serve or offer communion once a month. It is a special ceremony which is
observed in most Christian churches.
Chaplains vary considerably in their requirements for preparing for the communion service.
Presented here are some generally acceptable ways to set up the communion ware but the
necessity of being aware of the individual chaplains requirements cannot be overemphasized.
Its a good idea to have a photograph or a diagram of the particular chaplains communion
arrangement to place in the sacristy/vestry area of the military chapel.
THE COMMON CUP. This method of communion is used by a number of Protestant
denominations. You may set up for this type of communion service by preparing the chalice, as
modified by the officiating Protestant chaplain in the manner illustrated in the diagram in
figure 3-39.
Figure 3-39. Preparation of the chalice for the common cup method of communion.