cup. Cups should be filled only two-thirds full so that spillage will not occur
while the trays and cups are being handled (see figure 3-42).
When the cups are all filled stack the trays on the base and place the
cover on the top tray (see figure 3-43).
The next task is to place whatever your chaplain uses for bread
(bread, crackers, wafers) in the bread trays. The amount should be a little
more than is expected to serve your congregation. A white cloth might be
used to cover the bread trays.
The altar arrangements shown in figure 3-44 illustrate the variety
of ways in which some Protestant chaplains might wish you to arrange
their altar when using any of the communion methods previously dis-
As a Religious Program Specialist, you will be required to care for and
arrange the vestments and/or wearing apparel the chaplains use in their
religious services (figure 3-45). It is good to keep in mind that some
Protestants use vestments exactly like or very similar to Roman Catholic
vestments. Be flexible. Experience has taught that much time has been saved
when the Religious Program Specialist has been able to refer to the vestments
by their proper name. In this section we will learn the proper names for
Protestant vestments.
It must be understood that Protestant chaplains are allowed much
latitude in selecting the vestments, if any, they will wear at their serv-
Some may elect to wear their uniform. Others may choose to wear a robe
and stole. Still others may wear a complete set exactly like or similar to those
of Roman Catholic clergy. In this section the four vestments most commonly
worn by Protestant chaplains will be described.
ROBE (CLERICS).A loose, flowing, wide-sleeved robe (usually
black) that extends to the feet.
CASSOCK.A long, close-fitting garment (usually black) reaching to
the feet and worn by chaplains in preference to the clerics robe.
CHAPLAIN STOLE.A long, decorated band worn around the neck
and hanging from the shoulders. This may be worn with or without the
cassock or robe. NOTE: If the stole is worn it is of the color appropriate for
the liturgical season.
SURPLICE.A white outer vestment usually worn over the cassock and
reaching to the knees.