Family Service Association
of America (FSAA)
Local family and child services may provide
family life education in response to particular
needs, or at the request of local groups. Many
agencies employ a staff member who specializes
in family education.
Personal, Marital, and Family
Counseling Services
Navy life often imposes particular stress on
military members and their families. Marital
problems, stress, child abuse, alcoholism,
financial pressures, illness, as well as diffi-
culties related to deployment, separation, and
mobility may lead troubled Navy and Marine
Corps members and their dependents to seek
counseling to help them overcome an immediate
problem or to help them cope with problems
requiring prolonged attention.
Whenever long-term counseling or a specific
type of professional counseling assistance is
required, a person may be referred by the chap-
lain to an appropriate resource within either the
military or civilian community. These counseling
services may be provided by:
Pastoral Counselors
Social Workers
Family Counselors
Counseling Psychologists or Psychiatrists
Community agencies which may provide
counseling services include:
Mental Health Clinics
Social Services Agencies
The United Way Organization
Family Service Agencies
Catholic Family and Child Service
Regional Pastoral Counseling Associa-
tion (a nondenominational network util-
izing religious facilities)
Military facilities which may be utilized are:
Naval Regional Medical Centers
Counseling and Assistance Centers
Family Service Centers
These and other counseling agencies and pro-
fessionals which can assist the chaplain should
be listed in the Family Service section of the I&R
The United Service Organization (USO) has
been providing a pleasant, homelike atmosphere
for recreation for service members since 1941.
The motto of the USO is Your Home Away
From Home. Millions of service members visit
the facilities (more than 100) around the world
each year. The facilities are of different types:
recreation centers, airport lounges, information
desks at train and bus stations and airports. A
USO center can be found in almost every town
near a military base.
The USO centers sponsor many types of
activities: dances, sightseeing tours, pool tour-
naments, reading and game rooms, and free
movies and television viewing. Many USO
centers are providing services for young married
couples: orientation classes for wives overseas,
job banks, nurseries, and family craft classes.
Most USO programs are free, but nominal
fees are charged for pool games, snack bar
items, and jukeboxes. The USO offers lonely or
homesick service members a unique opportunity
to relax off base and meet people in the com-
One of the major concerns of the Navy and
Marine Corps members is providing for their
own financial welfare and that of their families.