THE CHASUBLE.The chasuble is a large sleeveless
outer garment (see figure 3-60). Its appearance can best be
described as a long rectangular decorative cloth with a hole in
the center to allow it to be slipped over the chaplains head,
Figure 3-60.The chasuble. The word
chasuble means a little house.
In addition to the faith groups which are represented by military
chaplains, commanders at all levels have a responsibility to persons of other
faith groups in their command whose religious requirements and practices
differ from those which have been presented here. Command chaplains assist
commanders in this area by making provisions for the ministries appropriate
to the rights and needs of all personnel assigned to their commands.
Religious Requirements for Non-Judeo and Non-Christian Faith Groups
The determination of the religious services, rites, and activities which
may be required by naval personnel and their dependents who are adherents
to non-Judeo and non-Christian faith groups is made, not by the Navy, but
by the faith groups to which these persons adhere. The command chaplain
will make arrangements to the extent possible for adherents of these groups
to practice their faith. These arrangements may include the use of command
facilities and auxiliary or contract chaplains as well as facilities and clergy
within the civilian community.
Support Functions of the RP in Regard to
Non-Judeo and Non-Christian Faith Groups
As a Religious Program Specialist, you provide support and assistance to
persons and clergy of all faiths within the Department of the Navy. Pro-
viding support and assistance to non-Judeo and non-Christian faith groups is
indicative of the religious pluralism and freedom within our society and will
require you to carry out the following actions when directed by the chaplain:
Gather information required by the command chaplain to adequately
support the religious requirements and practices of all persons assigned to
the command.