A full brochure on the subject, Kashrut Observance in the Military
is available from the National Jewish Welfare Board
(JWB), 1515 East 26th Street, New York, NY 10010.
Local Jewish Community Centers
Many organized Jewish communities have a Jewish community center
which is a natural meeting place for young and old. Jewish members and
their families will be afforded opportunities to participate in the ongoing
functions of the center. It would be well for you to ask to be put on the
centers mailing list and to establish a relationship with the director of the
center and with key members of the staff.
National Jewish Welfare Board (JWB)
For more than 50 years, the National Jewish Welfare Board has effec-
tively served Jewish military personnel in the Armed Forces. It is the
authorizing agency for rabbis entering the Armed Forces to serve as
chaplains. Through the National Jewish Welfare Board, members are
provided with recreational, cultural, and social activities. Information
regarding the observance of holy days and specific religious necessities can be
obtained through the board.
Armed Forces and Veterans Service Committees
In scores of communities throughout the United States, there are
organized JWB committees to provide services to members of the Armed
Forces and to hospitalized veterans. In many instances these committees
have functioned continuously since the start of World War 11. They channel
Jewish community resources for promoting the religious welfare and boost-
ing the morale of Jewish members stationed in a specific area. For example,
the committee may enable the layleader to arrange an Oneg Shabbat, a
break-the-fast supper, a Hanukkah or Purim party, or a Seder. Often the
local JWB committee assumes responsibility for arranging home hospitality
for the holy days. The committee may invite members and their families to
an in-town Jewish cultural or social function at a synagogue or at the Jewish
community center. Committee members can be helpful to members of the
Armed Forces and to their families in matters of personal service (housing,
jobs, etc.). In order to maintain the interest of JWB Armed Forces commit-
tees and to provide them with professional direction, the JWB has a number
of consultants stationed at its national office and at various areas of the
country. The Jewish layleader will want to keep in close touch with the JWB
Armed Forces committee if there is such a group serving that installation.
Information regarding committees can be secured from the JWBs regional
or national office.