material on this page, count the number of lines
that must be typed (from the rough copy) and
subtract the total from the number of available
lines (51); then divide the remainder by two and
place half of the lines at the top of the page and
the rest at the bottom, For example:
There are 45 lines that must be typed. How
many clear lines should be left at the top and
bottom of the page?
The solution is found by:
51 available lines minus
45 lines that must be typed leaves
6 remaining clear lines
Divide the answer (6) by 2. This will leave
three clear lines at the top and three clear lines
at the bottom of the worship bulletin. For an
uneven number like five, the best solution would
be to put three lines at the top and two lines at
the bottom of the page.
NOTE: The left side and the right side of the
bulletin should be even. The last line of the left
side of the bulletin and the right side of the
bulletin should not vary more than two lines in
If you follow the procedure outlined above
and center the material horizontally and ver-
ticallyyou should have an attractive, properly
blocked worship bulletin (see figure 6-6C).
Chapel newsletters can be a very effective
means for chaplains to provide information con-
cerning devotional and religious activities
scheduled as a part of the Command Religious
Program. The format of the newsletter is deter-
mined by the chaplain. As the RP, you may have
an opportunity to make suggestions as to the
design and layout of the newsletter. The follow-
ing are important points to remember:
Dont attempt to say too much in the
space allotted.
Use illustrations or graphic art when
Ensure that the use of Postage and Fees
Paid indicia on the newsletter complies with
the instructions or regulations for its use,
Information concerning the Command
Religious Program and its activities should
always be included in any welcome aboard
packet forwarded to personnel in receipt of
orders to the command. Religious Program
Specialists should prepare religious program
inserts to the commands welcome aboard
packets. These inserts should include at least:
The location of the chapel and chaplains
A chapel directory listing the office
telephone numbers where religious program in-
formation may be obtained;
The schedule and location of divine serv-
ices listed by faith groups;
The location and schedule of the com-
mands religious education (RE) programs;
Activities of chapel organizations,
outreach programs, spiritual retreats, and devo-
tional activities.
Chapel information kits generally contain
the same information which is included in
religious program inserts for the commands
welcome aboard packets. In some cases, chapel
information kits may be used in lieu of the
inserts. They differ only in the amount of infor-
mation which is presented to the recipient and
the purpose for which they are prepared.
Chapel information kits may be prepared for
newly reporting personnel, command visitors, or
news media representatives. In addition to
information normally enclosed with command
welcome aboard packets, chapel information