knowledge of most administrative publications
and be able to refer to them should the need arise.
Command Religious Program publications
should be stored in accordance with classification
regulations in effect throughout the Navy. Most
CRP publications are unclassified and can usually
be stored openly within the office of the chaplain.
However, care should be taken to ensure that the
publications are not misplaced. Lending pub-
lications is not a good policy and should be
avoided; however, if publications must be lent,
the duty RP should ensure that the person who
borrows the publication completes a GSA Form
23 (Chargeout Record). This record should be
retained by the office of the chaplain until the
publication is returned.
Quite often, information contained in publica-
tions becomes invalid, outdated, or otherwise
obsolete and must be updated. Usually changes are
limited to one or two pages, or the change may
affect only one sentence. Since it would not be
cost effective to reprint the entire publication each
time a minor change is ordered, pen-and-ink
changes or page changes will most often suffice.
Pen-and-Ink Changes
Publication changes involving only a word or
two are called pen-and-ink changes. This type of
change transmittal is sent out via message. The
change will be identified by noting the publica-
tion, chapter, page, paragraph, and line affected.
For example, if the Secretary of the Navy deter-
mined that the following change was necessary to
the wording of SECNAVINST 5210.11, the
change would be issued as follows:
SECNAVINST 5210.11 (Change 1)
1. Page 1,
the Navy
Secretary of the Navy
All ships and stations
Department of the Navy File
Maintenance Procedures and
Standard Subject Identification
Codes (SSIC).
par. 3, line 4, change Department of
to read Navy Department.
2. This change is effective upon receipt.
Secretary of the Navy
After the pen-and-ink change has been
entered, a notation should be made on the record-
of-changes page, which is usually located in the
front of the publication near the table of contents.
Page Changes
When major changes need to be made to a
page of a publication, a page change is issued.
In this case, the corrected page is simply inserted
in place of the old page. This change should also
be recorded on the record-of-changes page as
previously stated. Figure 3-3 shows a sample
record of changes.
Figure 3-3.Record of changes.